How to add Disks to Steam?

How can I add disks?

If I go to Datenträger hinzufügen and select my NVMe SSD, nothing happens.

Welcome to the forum!

So I assume you mean how do you add a disk to steam? The first question I would have is have you installed steam via Flatpak or Deb? If it's installed via Flatpak, you may need to use a program like Flatseal in order to change permissions and allow access to the drive that way.

Could you also add an image of your drives just so we have a general idea of what's going on as well?



When you say that nothing happens, you mean that you cannot find the drive or that you cannot select it?

Being mounted at the root of the filesystem (/Steam) it's possible it's a permission issue. Make sure that you have read/write permissions to that location:

ls -l /Steam

The exact permissions depend on how restrictive you want to be with this. You can start by assigning ownership to your own user account so that you can at least read it:

sudo chown $USER: /Steam
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Just to add on to what @zenzen said, I personally try to avoid doing that location on purpose. I usually like to leave me 2nd drives mounted to either /mnt/xxx or /media/xxx.

Personally I would change the mount location to something like /mnt/Steam, which may help with permissions by default, and at least keep it a bit seperated than it currently is.

Now works! Only because of the permissions! Dude...


As @applecheeks37 said, it's generally best to let the system decide where the drive will be mounted automatically. If you are curious about this you can always launch Drives in your system and take a peek at the different mount options.

Here's a similar thread that you can use as reference:

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