How to change task bar menu type and more Zorin 16 pro

My Apple keyboard does not have it :sob:

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I chose the default layout and move the taskbar up and added Dash to Dock. No need to use one of the others layouts.

Yes, @Storm ! That's exactly what I was trying to do, but dash dock is greyed out on that template setting for me, so it isn't an option.

And when I try to enable it in Gnome tweak it just reverts back to disabled after closing the program.

Please share your secret??!

:ok_hand: :pray: Thanks!

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As I posted earlier, I used: Dash to Dock - GNOME Shell Extensions
BUT now I understand why you say it's grey out. That is Zorin Dash. To acces Dash to Dock Settings you have to go to Gnome Extensions and select Dash to Dock. You can't access Dash to Dock through Zorin Appearance.


I have it working now. Thanks a heap! I thought dash to dock was already installed on Gnome Tweak since the option and setting were there. But no. (so confusing)

I've installed it now and I'm docking away. :grin:


Glad to hear that your problem is solved :slight_smile:
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