If you have a different Linux distro installed, use K3b burner as it auto-generates the md5sum - see image above.
[With Apologies to Team Zorin for using a Fenen OS screenshot - my Zorin became unbootable - couldn't find initram - suspect my fault for selecting update initramfs during using Clonezilla the other night - we live and learn - the hard way! :lol: ]
Update as of 31 Aug 2021:
To view the current 256sh checksums, navigate to the Download Page:
Scroll down below "Compare Zorin OS Editions" to see a Button marked view 256sha checksums.
Click this button to reveal the 256sha checksums, then proceed to follow Swarfendor437's guide above.
This is sha256sum and a name cd iso is
The checksum isn't the same what you gived me.
The iso is from december 2021
You asked for the md5sum in original post. You could download the iso from internet archive. Zorin on sourceforge only has the Beta of Core. As stated before, Zorin Lite was released with 16.1, not 16.