Here's a short tutorial I made for adding custom dynamic wallpapers on ZorinOS (like the mountain one)
Tried the exact thing yesterday . Based on the post by timothys_monster.
Wish I saw your post then ^^ - thx for the video .
My solution was as follows:
- For heic conversion:
sudo apt install libheif-examples - And then a dirty python script to create the .xml with equal timings per picture:
import os
SEC_TOTAL = 24*60*60
str_Out = "<background>\n\t<starttime>\n\t\t<year>2021</year>"+\
DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
content = os.listdir(DIR)
for fileName in content:
if fileName.lower().endswith(".heic"):
#sudo apt install libheif-examples needed!
os.system('heif-convert "'+ fileName+ '" dynWp_Pic.jpg')
n_pics = len(os.listdir(DIR)) - len(content)
tim4Step = SEC_TOTAL / (2*n_pics)
#sure xml can be done nicer :D
for n in range(1,n_pics+1):
str_Out += "\t<static>\n\t\t<file>"+DIR+"/dynWp_Pic-"+str(n)+".jpg</file>\n" +\
"\t\t<duration>"+str(tim4Step)+"</duration>\n\t</static>\n" +\
'\t<transition type="overlay">\n\t\t<duration>'+str(tim4Step)+"</duration>\n"+\
with open("dynWp.xml","w") as f:
As timothys_monster pointed out this should work for everyone using GNOME (via gnome-tweaks, selecting the .xml as wallpaper) or MATE.
Hope this is useful
I was aware of the manual conversion and xml generation but for my tutorial I chose the easiest and the most simple method anyone can follow
This is so much easier!! Thanks for sharing
the link to the website with dynamic wallpapers doesn't exist anymore
Post is over 30 days ...which website link is gone and did you do a search via a search engine to find dynamic wallpaper? Took me a few seconds of my time to locate these for you.... google or bing or DuckDuckGo are real amazing results
I don't get the desired result. my search end to a normal wallpaper and nothing like in the tutorial