How to get live wallaper without the weird terminal thing

  1. Download the package from link.
  2. Move it to /var/lib/flatpak/runtime
  3. Unpack the package

wifi is pretty slow so if it doesn't download tonight ill do it tommorow but i will try to do it now


i can't put it into the folder it doesn't let me

as I wrote earlier you need to start nautilus with superuser

sudo nautilus

i don't understand what u mean

run the command and you can move/edit/change things outside of your home directory. It give you the super powers to alter the core of the OS by point and click. but be careful.

sudo nautilus

very nice command ill be sure to fix it when i get home in about 40 mins

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sudo: nautilus: command not found

oh right you're on lite, try instead;

sudo thunar

I think it's that as I'm not having lite install at the moment.

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what next

Lets see if it wil install now.

sudo flatpak install io.github.jeffshee.Hidamari

alright i have the app now thank you

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but bro i can't have desktop icons

Didn't knew that. I don't use desktop icons.

oh i guess i might not use it in the end

Or get used to not using the Desktop as a launcher. :wink:

i could never idk why

Old Windows habit I guess. I like a clean Desktop and put stuff in the menu and files in the right folders.

Here's a screenshot of it;

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that is actually really good

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