How to get live wallaper without the weird terminal thing

what do i do after here

reboot and see if it works. But I can see from xwinwrap that they have changed the parameters, so I have to read up on some.

i meant do i save or anything?

yes you save what you write in gedit.

it didin't work

Try type (copy/paste) in the terminal:

xwinwrap -fs -fdt -ni -b -nf -- mpv -wid WID --no-audio --loop "/home/marc/Videos/LiveWallpaper/Kenpachi.mp4"

by the way what's your screen resolution and resolution of the video?

is there an appimage or deb file of this?


I'm afraid not, other than compiling it from the source.


xwinwrap -g  1920x1080 -fs -fdt -ni -b -nf -- mpv -wid WID --no-audio --loop "/home/marc/Videos/LiveWallpaper/Kenpachi.mp4"

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)
Resource id in failed request: 0x10001d6
Serial number of failed request: 81
Current serial number in output stream: 81

i think i know the error my display res is 1280x720

Then try with;

xwinwrap -g 1280x720 -fs -fdt -ni -b -nf -- mpv -wid WID --no-audio --loop "/home/marc/Videos/LiveWallpaper/Kenpachi.mp4"

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)
Resource id in failed request: 0x10001d9
Serial number of failed request: 83
Current serial number in output stream: 83

hmmm.... Let me do some reseach.


This is a long shot. I could upload the flatpak org.gnome runtime so you could download it - I don't know if it will work. You want to try it?
It will take awhile to compressed the files.

sure ill try as long as there is a way to change my mind later on if i don't want a live wallapaper anymore

is it done?

Hold on. I was away. Going to upload it...

Move org.gnome.Platform.tar.xz to /var/lib/flatpak/runtime and unpack it there. You need superuser todo it so start nautilus with superuser privileges.

sudo nautilus

Here's the file: 370.53 MB file on MEGA

Let me know when it's downloaded so I can remove the link again.

step by step pls