How to get the best out of those crazy HiReso monitors


I invoked the top level masters, Zorins.
The thread should be restored now. Please check.

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Haa it is restored thanks @Aravisian .

Actually it was our Supreme master zorink himself :crown: who restored the order of the forum. He has tools which underling moderators like myself do not have.

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So let me summarize our conclusion so far.
We need the following items to take a full advantage of 4k/8k monitors:

Couch :couch_and_lamp:
Popcorn :popcorn:
Remote controlled heater (winter time only)
Cat :cat2: (cat lovers only)

Any other suggestions?


Good job FrenchPress for restoring Ayush's post.

Think you got the items right.
Those are the things one need to get comfy.
I also connect my bluethooth JBL speaker to the TV for a better sound experience.

Well I would like to meet the commander!!
I hope I will someday
"Star wars music playing in background​:notes::notes:"

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I am so amazed to see a lot of people spend much money on their family entertainment system while satisfying with a build-in speaker in the TV for audio. I purchased a digital amplifier with integrated DAC and re-using the high end audio my husband had.

The remote controllers (TV, internet TV, amplifier, blue-ray) got a bit complicated so I crated this easy to understand diagram for my husband. But he still has to ask my help whenever he wants to watch TV. I cannot understand why :crazy_face:


hahaha, this diagram to him is like his "Dvorak" keyboard to you.


beep beep :robot:
I will tell you this deep secret.
To meet our supreme leader, you have to participate the forum and make as many contributions you can. Once you reach to the certain trust level, the promotion might come to your way.

beep beep....

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Well,I will pass every test, to meet the supreme power here.
I will replace him and get :-
Respect ,power and.....



You just failed the first test:
Do not create a duplicate thread.

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That wasn't a duplicate thread on one thread only mac advantages on other only Ubuntu advantages

8 posts were split to a new topic: Who is running this Forum -> Volunteers

Are you relaxed and all comfort??
Or do you need some peanuts, popcorn or a refreshment??

Well, I suppose a dasjdoom slayer will only be comfortable when he's got his trusty shotgun ready to pop a few shotties in some desperately drawn to you like free pizza at an anime convention, PINIKIES!

I've been in a serious mood over the past few days of awfulness, enough to melt the undead flesh off of zombies who annoy me. But I am doing better now.

Is not comfort quite suggestive if you think about it? A Klingon would consider a cold bare metal hard floor, to be a comfortable sleeping place when he's not in battle.

Me? I wanna be pampered, all the luxeries. Some might say thats a little overkill. Well, I think think there is no kill like overkill. If your gonna do something, I say do it to the max.

HAHA :grin:

Glad to hear you're all there and in one piece. Speaking of a cold bare metal floor - hope you're replying safe and sound from your comfort chair in the old StarTreker Command Center ?

And btw did you get the new M2 SSD?

I live a very isolated lifestyle, as such, I stay away from people, which in turn, allows me to stay safe and sound correct. What about you? Are you staying happy and comfy where you are?

Nope, the SSD appears lost in the mail, or is severely delayed. I contacted the seller and it took a couple replies until I could get serious action from them. They have contacted the shipper, and will try to find out where the heck my package is.

I really would like to get it soon. Cause even though Zorin OS 16 LITE hasn't been released yet, I'd like to have the drive already installed and ready, for when OS 16 LITE is released.

So we will see how things go. Are you having fun over there playing Doom or some other game?

Well speaking of isolated. I don't live quit isolated but don't care much for socializing. I have my closest family and my 2 sons with whom I once in a while communicate and gets visit from - and for now thats al I need, thank you.

I also wanted to expand the hard drive, was thinking of buying a 1 TB nvme SSD. But the 500GB just seem to be enough. I'm using it for Windows, ZorinOS and Libreelec. Once in a while I add a second linux distribution, recently I used windowsfx, but deleted it.

Gaming oh well that not really my thing. Once in a while I play fifa in Windows. I must admit I was addicted to the games; Shadow of the Tomb Raider (played it 6 times) and Desperados 3 (still can't get enough, great game, runs perfectly with Wine). Now I just try out some games and after a while get bored and uninstall it.