How to give boot priority to Windows 7 instead of Zorin?

Zorin OS currently has the boot priority over Windows, and I want the opposite to be can anyone help me with that? I have an old LGA 775 motherboard. (If you needed more info just ask)

You will need to change the boot options of the grub menu. Take a look a this thread:


Question though: If I ever wanted to uninstall Zorin, how would I do this without having a "GRUB" boot error?

When You uninstall Zorin in Windows You first delete the Linux Partition in the Disk Management. After this You open cmd.exe with Administrator Rights and there You have to type first:

bcdedit /enum firmware

Then You get a List of Entries where you look for the ubuntu Entry. There doesn't stand Zorin because Zorin is based on Ubuntu. This Entry has a Value combined with Numbers and Letters in Brackets. When You found it you type:

bcdedit /delete [the Value from the Entry]

After that Your System should start normaly into Windows again. That was a short Describtion. I wrote here in a Thread a more detailed Describtion with Pictures if You want more Details:


I'm afraid I don't know that, but @Ponce-De-Leon's advice looks good. I would just re-install whatever OS I need and use the entire disk, so there's no chance for me to screw up :smiley:


Tabula-E-rasa, hahaha!

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Try the GRUB CUSTOMIZER application which might do what you need to do with a GUI.

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