[How To] Install Driver for ELAN fingerprint (04f3:0c4b)

So after a few hours of search and testing i found a fingerprint driver that works with my Lenovo L13s that uses the 04f3:0c4b hardware.

Just posting here for anyone looking to prevent you from going down the rabbit hole.

To install go to the following repo or follow the steps below.


$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libfprint-tod1-group/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libfprint-2-tod1-elan

You can then go to Software & Updates', click 'Additional Drivers', and select 'ELAN' item and click 'Apply Changes'.

Ps. You can read the original post here Bug #2024149 “[needs-packaging] libfprint-2-tod1-elan” : Bugs : OEM Priority Project

This works on first try for me, I will update this thread if i come across any bugs.


Man, kudos to you! :clap:

I hope this helps a lot of others for sure - that's been a particularly difficult one to get going it seemed.

Way to go! :sunglasses: