I am trying to run Waydroid.
These are the commands that used to install Waydroid:
sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
curl https://repo.waydro.id | sudo bash
sudo apt install waydroid -y
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Then open Waydroid and choose Vanilla or GAPPS. It does not work with either Vanilla or GAPPS.
To my understanding at the login user screen I have to choose Wayland for Waydroid to work properly. The problem is that the only thing I see is Xorg.
I followed another tutorial where it showed how to enable Wayland in Zorin OS.
dmesg | grep drm
sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
#remove comment and change WaylandEnable=false to true
sudo systemctl restart gdm3
That did not work. Wayland is still missing from the login screen.
After that I kept reading. Some suggest that the reason might be that Zorin OS is hiding the option because of the PC hardware.
I have no idea what it means or how it works.
My computer is a PC gaming. Low end graphics, gaming PC nonetheless.
These are the specs:
Belink SER
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 4.4GHz
I used to use this PC to play AAA games on Windows, Bluestacks, and Google Play PC. I am not a Linux expert. I am just trying to ditch Windows and stay on Linux, or Zorin for that matter.
Can anyone help me figure out how to resolve this Wayland issue and how to install Waydroid on Zorin OS please?