Some say that Gummiboot or Systemd-boot makes for a much faster boot time than Grub2 does.
I have not tested this recently, but I can confirm it does work on Zorin OS 15 and on Zorin OS 16.
Some users post on the forum looking for a way of speeding up boot time. Often, there is not a lot we can offer... aside from disabling a service here or there are recommending removing Snapd, which some users may prefer to not do.
This is intended to be a linkable guide that such users may be directed to as an alternative. The following guide contains some basic instructions to replace Grub2 with Systemd-boot.
While not for the faint of heart, the instructions look more daunting than they are. Just follow the directions like making a cake.
I would consider this to be within the "novice" range of Linux users experience. So, anyone can have a go at it, just take a breath and believe in yourself: