I can't install other program in my terminal because of a failed installation

I have trouble in my apt install, since Gambas3 is field to install in my machine, I cant install other apt on my terminal. If I gonna install other application, my terminal showing me this dialogue. What should I do about this?

Also, if I trying to remove gambas 3, my command is denied

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You need to add
before the command.

sudo apt --fix-broken install

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The Command is work, but its still eror. How can I force remove gambas3?

I think you need to use that powerful but dangerous :skull:
rm -rf command.

Let me invoke our master volunteer :star2:

Back up personal...fresh install

Nah, I think it is an over-kill.

sudo apt remove --purge gambas3

If that fails,

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Then do the first remove command.

Thats was for last resort for worst case scenario alright :sweat_smile:


still error

Did you reboot after following instructions ?

When you tried to install, had you added the gambas repository?

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what repos should I add?

I will take that as a "no..."

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3 && sudo apt update

sudo apt --fix-broken install

Nothing change to the situation

What output did sudo apt --fix-broken install give you after you added the repository?

If it is exactly the same as in the O.P. try:

sudo apt install -f gambas3

If needed, then run:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

sudo apt install -f gambas3

It reply me this

And this one after the two later command

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

sudo apt install -f gambas3

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Looks like the issue here is the dependencies


I just checked... and there is no package in the Ubuntu repo for gambas3-dev-tools.
Is this some obnscure package?
How does no one notice this?

Or is it some far-flung conspiracy to Push Snap Packages by saying, "oh... look... dependency problems..."

If you added the Gambas3 Repository and ran sudo apt update and sudo apt clean... This really should not be happening.
Because it is in the gambas team repository:

gambas3-dev-tools Gambas compilation tools

Here is the .deb for it:

Try Closing out the terminal.
Then installing this .deb file.

Then open a terminal and try

sudo apt --fix-broken install

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