I have 2 wallpaper that i want to change according to time

i will try that

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WOW, talk about over-complicated. The Zorin brother's are tricky little sneaky snakes. lol - I wish all of this was easier and not so difficult, as it should not be difficult. But it does also show how much the Zorin brother's had to go through just to make that neat little feature happen.


yeah they were not using an extension in the first place

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the one given in the first solution does the samething but the issue was that the folder path was wrong

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Editing the actual .xml file that gave the mountain wallpaper was also no use.

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what i did was i edited the mojave wallpaper .xml file

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The mojave one shows black for me too.

you have to change the path to whatever path you use it was the issue with me

I was able to change to path but I think the .xml file should be in a specific folder like /usr/share/backgrounds/ . I could be wrong.

isnt it in mojave-background folder

Yes, it is lie that when you download it. I am comparing it with the zorin mountain .xml file which is in the file location I stated above.

there is nothing different with the folders its actually working for me now. Can you send a pic of your .xml file and the path you used

btw hats off to the zorin team for taking so much effort for a seemingly minute thing

which one are you talking about? The mojave one or the mountain?


The mojave one I put it in /home/jeslin/Pictures/

can you send a pic of the xml

this is my xml btw

<!--  Instructions:
- Download and unzip Mojave dynamic background here: https://files.rb.gd/mojave_dynamic.zip 
- Rename the extracted folder as "mojave-background" (Excuse the trouble but I renamed it on my machine and already use that path in the XML file)
- Save this xml file next to the Mojave background files
- Fix the path to the background images below (better using absolute path)
- Lastly, either: 
  + GNOME: Use gnome-tweaks tool to select this XML as wallpaper (as default wallpaper settings won't let you choose wallpaper from custom path)
  + MATE: Go to background setting (in Appearance) > Choose +Add... > make sure **All files** filter is selected at the bottom right > Then choose mojave.xml
<!--  00:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  03:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  05:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  06:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  07:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  08:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  09:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  10:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  11:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  13:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  14:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  15:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  16:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  17:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  18:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">
<!--  20:00  -->
<transition type="overlay">

the path is /usr/share/backgrounds/mojave-background

@Jeslin try comparing it with yours

Wait, you can paste files in that path? I can't the paste option does not work there fore me.