"I Little Pony" - Icon Set for the whole family

Storm, you truly are amazing. You were willing to take on the difficult task of GTK theming and shell theming, thats called awesomeness right there.

I wanted to download what you achieved so far, and check it out on my system...

Even though I prefer dark themes, because its easier on my eyes. I will say, what you've achieved here, is nothing short of extraordinary! Its not just the pony's in the background. But, you also took me by surprise, with the color gradients on the button highlights.

I first noticed when I launched the screenshot APP. And then after that, I also noticed it on the currently selected windows. I still eagerly await the dark GTK Applicaitons and Shell variants, but you've done a really terrific job.

Is there room for improvement? Yes there is, which is why I post my screenshots, so you can see the nearly invisible APP icons on the panel. But thats the kind of stuff I know you can fix. Yes, my taskbar opacity is currently set to "40"

Under dark themes however, I can see the icons just fine, scroll up to see my earlier screenshots to see what I mean. Thank you for bringing heaven to the desktop. I really appreciate what you are doing!

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The white icons are leftovers from the icon set I build on top. I'll run a script to transfer the white color to something more in the middle until I make the icons that is missing. :slight_smile:


Wait... I can't run the script. It will affect also the right icons. I need to manually pluck them out :P.... This going to take time...


Version 1.1 of the icon theme is out.

Version 1.1

Cleaned up for white icons
XFCE login/out etc. buttons added.

Added: Blender, Dust3D, Abiword, Dconf Editor, Freetube,
Added: Stacer, MS Visual Studio, kdenlive, nomacs, psensor,
Added: solaar, xfce-sensor, Joplin, VScodium, insomnia,
Added: syncthing, audacity, OBS, sayonara, telegram,
Added: Virtual Machine Manager,


So, do I just re-download the whole theme pack to get the 1.1 icons?

Just click on the icon pack you want. It will take you to another screen, where is a little download button.


Just so you know, I always grab it all, cause I love your work. And I wanted to let you know that you did fix the icons in your light theme, excellent job! Much improved already!

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I'm off for tonight (2:10). But I'll be back in the morning and troubleshoot if there's anything went wrong.


The icons set version 1.1 is now on Pling/Gnome-look but to get the other goodies you need to get it from github.



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