I made core look like windows 11

Or rpc remote procedure call:

rpc is what makes Windows vulnerable to attack - as told by an IT Technician where I worked many years ago.


What the...i did not even know it was that bad. Good to know!


Thanks, i will read it if i can find it. It is a good thing i removed windows back in august. This home is windows free :innocent:


Didn't like windows 11 or 10 looks will prefer more to Mac looks....


Could you explain the procedure? Thanks!

Ok no more needed, I managed to do it myself and I love the result. Dash to panel and arcmenu are incredibly customizable! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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The big flaw in Win11 is the wasted space on the left side of the taskbar. I moved the clock there.

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This looks great, I'm new to Zorin, but would like to adjust it to Windows 11, I like the look and feel and muscle memory and use both OSes The comments below are hilarious.

I bought projector and must sayed is a cheaper and very good decision.

The quality from mobile is poor because my mobile isn't good.

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