I uninstalled gnome by mistake!

Ok let me try

Please stay online :pray:

Sorry I had to go to have my lunch.

Ok it's running

Btw thanks bro
See you soon

Nuh nuh...I am here.
I had gone to have my lunch before...

Oh ok :+1:

Now ,what's next?

Run the command again but no need to install gdm, it's already there.

sudo apt install zorin-os-desktop gnome gnome-shell

Still that problem

Should I send screen shots

Yes, screenshots are more helpful than stating that "it does not work."

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Still that Problem

Try this:

sudo apt --fix-missing update

and then:

sudo apt install -f

Done, what's next

Still that problem with that command

What is the output of sudo apt update

This :--

You have added several Bionic Repositories to Zorin OS 16. I really wish Online Tutorials would clearly explain that repositories can often only apply to certain releases. Undated Tutorials really cause a lot of confusion in users... And added but broken repositories can confuse apt by redirecting its package search.
We need to remove those non-focal repos:

Ya before some days ago I was trying to install gnome 40 via Ubuntu's ppaπŸ˜…

So what we have to do now?

Remove unwanted PPAs.

sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:<ppa to remove>

But how can I know which ppa is not required