I uninstalled gnome by mistake!

Should I try

Sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

I have to choose gdm3 na not lightdm

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Yes gdm3. Actually it depends on you but you should choose gdm instead.

I prefer LightDM, myself... but yes... You can reconfigure and choose GDM3 or you can remove it entirely and use LightDM.
I suspect that you would prefer GDM3....:neutral_face:

Reload faild

Which is better gdm3 or lightdm

systemctl -f enable gdm.service

I prefer lightDM as I find it easier to work with, configure and is more stable - it does not ever give a "On No. Something has gone wrong" error.
But it really is dependent on what the user prefers.

lightdm is better and gdm is simpler. lightdm is also more configurable and customizable.

Ok so I am going with lightdm

Then logout??

Yes you may logout or reboot.

Still that error

Reboot. What appeared in the login screen? lightdm or gdm?

Still that problem

I think I should change to gdm

It's lightdm right?

Yes that is lightdm. Can you be specific? Are you getting the "Oh no something went wrong!" problem?

Ya that problem

Repeat the process and make your mind..

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

and choose gdm3 from the prompt.