If I install Zorin OS as a virtual machine on Windows will I limit its abilities?

I tried yesterday all day over midnight to 2 a.m fighting with that. xp, windows starter , windows Loan for tablets. Also how closed activation on windows to testing or using in virtual machine.

All what I see windows all older version cannot find anywhere.
Working on 2GB ram 1 CPU processor without problems with fresh installation.
The problem was only one vmware have a vga drivers what is difficult to using.
So there is one a way get big pendrive usb. Copy operating system and use him on Linux Zorin.

NOTE: The Youtube link in the post above links to a piracy site that may contain Malware.
Proceed At Your Own Risk.

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I only watching video and checked instruction what he doing. His language not for me or difficult to understand but if you think it hurt someone or broken some rules on this forum - you have permission to delete this link.
I can sayed when you do that from this link then you have no available information registered operating system also no available id. We spoken earlier about vm the problem with key accessible and register os in vmware. So if you created virtualize a psychical machine then you can off this information and problem could be dissapeart. I not opened any malware link what he have under.

I find something that.

So my question is I have a couple hard disks but I want only one hard disk take a virtualization to forward in Zorin Linux.
If someone have experience with that or some link how do that step by step I appreciate.

Problem I have here. That is mean I need unplug hard disks GPT?