Installation of Zorin OS 15.3 Core freezes on Acer Aspire ES17

I tried wiping the USB and burning the USB again. Now I'm getting errors in the diskpart manager when I'm trying to create the primary partition and I can't read or format the drive through normal means. :grimacing:

I'm assuming I can't fix the boot on my laptop without my USB to boot from...

How old is your USB?
It sounds like a pre-failure symptom to me.

Freshly bought yesterday.

Some Linux installer is difficult to remove form the USB. If you still have an access to Windows, it could be easier to format in Windows file manager.

I've just had a friend try to install Linux Mint on my Acer laptop system: once with my flash drive, later with one of his own. The latter managed to get an install going again, but that one froze on the same grub install section as Zorin did.

During the install I did get "Install alongside Zorin", so the system thought it was installed even though nothing was bootable anymore on the HDD itself.

At this point I feel I have ruled out the USB as the source of the problem since another drive can't install either. On the other hand, I've done so many different things now that it is hard to determine what had an impact and what didn't.

I used diskpart because the Windows file manager refused to admit there was even a drive inserted...

You can try this small utility from HP. It is very old but still works fine in Windows 10. It salvaged a numerous USBs for me.

To me (and I could be wrong), all of this points to the HDD itself as being the likely culprit. You have had the same problem repeat multiple times on this drive. You have tried more than one USB with more than one burned image to the same result.

You are not using Nvidia. I have installed Zorin on several Acer Aspires and I gather so has member FrenchPress- this implies that the base BIOS settings and motherboard (Unless damaged) should not be the issue.

You might try Boot Repair as linked above- just to see what happens (Because it is currently suggestion Zorin installed but won't boot to it). The initial Partition Management showed nearly 24 gigs used and I ... still... wonder about that Windows Lock on the drive.
The EFI partition (521megs, I think...) may be corrupted. This partition can be recreated and that, too, is worth a shot.

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