Installed app via deb file asks password everytime

I have installed deb file with this command sudo gdebi ./discord-0.0.47.deb

And also added Discord app to startup items, but everytime it opens (1st time during startup) it asks for authentications, same with other apps I installed via degbi. (pardon me Im new to linux, also I felt gdebi was easiest to install deb files.)

Please note: at login I have set to auto login me, and this spoils the startup speed.

Applications like Discord are built using a technology that embed the Chromium browser engine, which is what is asking to unlock the keyring. I assume the other programs you have trouble with are also built with this technology, or are Chromium-based browsers like Brave, Vivaldi, Google Chrome, etc.

Take a look at this thread, it may help:

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