Is zorin os support legacy booting?

I'd had a new computer and a laptop since my old laptop is running slow im trying to install linuxmint on it (not sponsored or anything) but it require some kind of efi partitions to run on it, im pretty sure that im selecting legacy not UEFI so im thinking that it just some kind of Peripheral that needed for it tu run, then i created the EFI partitions expecting it to be running normally instead after install it showed "reboot and select boot device" screen

i've guess this is because im dualbooting W7 that maybe on legacy mode with linuxmint that maybe installed on UEFI thinking the laptop can handled it, now the bios also dont showed the boot only on UEFI options so im thinking, can zorin os legacy mode overide the linuxmint installations and posibbly fix the problem?

Did you shrink your Windows C:\ drive before installing LM? Aravisian has written a guide on how to change from Legacy to EFI and vice versa.

When you are dual-booting with Windows there should already exist a EFI-Partition. In this Partition comes the /boot/EFI Partition from Linux.

When you install Linux Mint You should have the Option to install Linux beneath Windows because the Installer should detect Windows. When you choose that it makes the Stuff automatically. It is on Zorin, too.

Interesting thread here about EFI and Windows 7:

Yes, maybe im not see windows EFI partitions and literally making a new partitions causing theres 2 EFI because i choose custom install on linuxmint installations

are you know how to fix this issue? im i need to install zorin os on custom installations and use / overide the linuxmint install? is it safe to delete the EFI that i make for linuxmint partitions?

If You now have really 2 EFI-Partitions You can delete the One from Linux, Yes. But be careful! When you choose the wrong EFI-Partition (the One from Windows) You get in Trouble.

When You install Zorin You should get the Option to install Zorin beneath Windows, too I would think. Because You are on Windows 7 ... I don't know that but on Windows 10 the Installer detect the System and give that Option.

I don't use Virtual Machines to test Linux Distros. I use every Time Dual Boot to have it on the Machine so I can see how it runs. I can tell you my Steps how I delete a Linux Partition from my Dual Boot System. I could make a little pictured Guide for You if you want that.

can you do that for me? after i check these are partition that i had, this picture is taken from linux mint livecd, i can't boot to windows because reboot and select proper dev screen. i can't even filter the bios to boot on UEFI only because somehow theres no options for it?

Windows C: is located on sda2 but i can't figure out is it booting on UEFI or Legacy, all i know is this windows is installed from the manufacture and have not been modified.

Linuxmint is installed on the extended partitions except sda5, im very sure that this is installed on legacy mode because i select "KingstonDataTravel" not "UEFI: KingstonDataTravel" but it still ask for EFI partitions.
(sda6 the EFI, sda7 swap, sda 8 root, sda 9 home)

So, You can't even start into Windows from the BIOS? Because my Description is for Windows. Theoretically You should go into BIOS and look there for something like a ''Boot''-Menu and there You should adjust the Start. Completely turn off Your PC, then push the Power-Button and directly after that permanently push the Button to come to BIOS. then You should arrive it.

Maybe You don't have the Option for that or it is hidden in the Settings but for the Delete it would be too important. Only for the Installation.

So, can You first try if You can get boot into Windows? Because from Windows I can describe it. Form Your GParted Picture I would say You could theoretically delete sda7, 8 and 9. But when You do that You could have Problems with starting Your PC because You could get an Error-Message. And then You must go into BIOS too to start from there into Windows.

While I'm waiting your response, I'm trying to override the broken installations with zorin os 17 and found something weird. I'm 100% sure that I'm booting my stick on Legacy Mode, I deleted a EFI partitioning mistake that turns out Legacy and UEFI don't like together and it saying no EFI was found on Legacy mode?

Ironically this issue literally what's make my laptop stuck on "reboot and select proper boot device" at the first place because when dualbooting Linuxmint, it also says needed EFI on Legacy mode

Is my Laptop broken or USB stick broken or something else happening here?

Let me ask: How did You create Your bootable USB Stick? Which Program did You use and which System (Windows or Linux)?

Okay, I will try to describe my Way to delete Linux from my Dual-Boot System. For that I start into Windows. There I open the Disk Management. In my Case it looks like this:

You see there are 4 Partitions: EFI, Windows, A Partition that has no Name (that is Linux) and at the End the Windows Recovery. In Your Case with the manually created Partitions You could have more than me.

You make a right-click on the Linux Partition an choose the Option to delete it. In my Case stands there ''Volume löschen''. It is german:

You confirm it an it will deleted. After that the Part should look like this:

That means that it is empty. Then You make a right-click on the Windows Partition and choose the Option to expand/extend the Volume. Again in my Case it stands in german:

There will open a Window. Click trough it and at the End it should be look like the first Screenshot from me but without the Linux Partition. So there should be only EFI, Windows and Windows Recovery.

But now we muste care about the Grub Stuff. Type in the Windows Search Bar cmd.exe it looks like this:

Don't simply click on it to open it. Make a right-click on it and choose ''run as Administrator''. Then it runs with more Rights and that is necessary. When the Command Line is open type:

bcdedit /enum firmware
Then You will get an Output that looks like this:

The last Entry ist that what we want. And here: Be sure what You choose! Look two or three Times that it is the right One. It doesn't have to be the last Entry. Look that on ''Description stands ''ubuntu''. Then you type:

bcdedit /delete make a Space and then use the Stuff in the Brackets. Then press Enter. Again: Look what You have chosen before You click on Enter!
After that You can type again bcdedit /enum firmware to check if the Entry is gone. When you then make a Reboot you should directly start into Windows.

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Using Rufus on windows

About steps to removing the dual boot actually I'm familiar with these step and have using a software called EasyBCD to remove it before all this chaos happened, since I don't have access to windows (currently) I cannot access it, all I can do is using Bootable USB and livecd

When You using Rufus you have the 2 Options GPT and MBR. You could make a bootable Stick for each one and then test it. Do You have the Posibility to use a PC from a Friend or Neighbor to create this?

But first we must look that You can access Your PC ... Do You want keep the preinstalled Windows on Your PC? If not You could simply choose the Option to completely wipe the HDD/SSD during the Installation. Then all what is on it will deleted.

I have a PC, this stuff I'm talking about is happening on my old laptop, I have use Rufus with options ISO and DD at Bios and UEFI mode

Welp there's lot of old images that might be important ON SEPERATE PARTITIONS BUT SAME HDD, I can move it out because I have access to live CD but it around 200gb files and I had no storage to move to..

Turns out I just figure out something, my firmware doesn't have options to switch between boot filter bios / UEFI, instead its using CSM because the original os is windows 8 and someone (idk if it's manufacturer or previous owner) has downgraded the laptop to windows 7!

I had tried to disable CSM but it's only display bios now

Edit: I think I don't need to reinstall, all the system files was saved I think, it just need to somehow booting it, I think a bit of risk will do it and that is deleting the EFI since it using CSM but I just don't have the guts to do it, I'm afraid that just make it worst and broke everything apart

I mean this Section (look at the red marked Place):

Sorry, I forgot to ask something. You wrote:

When You can start a bootable USB-Stick, how exactly You boot the Stick? Can You describe it?

It's has been set to MBR, Bios and UEFI, not UEFI non csm

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Plug the USB, Turn on the laptop, Spamming ESC key, and using arrow button then pressing enter on Kingston DataTraveler (No it's not UEFI: KingstonDataTraveler but it's available)

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Updates: Yes it works! I just removed the EFI and now with no EFI the CSM fallback and using legacy bios as booting windows 7 again, Thanks for everyone that helping me!

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