When you remove Linux partitions make sure you also follow the steps mentioned below to remove the Linux Efi entry, otherwise Windows will not boot directly.
(This guide was previously shared by Ponce-De-Leon )
But now we muste care about the Grub Stuff. Type in the Windows Search Bar cmd.exe it looks like this:
Don't simply click on it to open it. Make a right-click on it and choose ''run as Administrator''. Then it runs with more Rights and that is necessary. When the Command Line is open type:
bcdedit /enum firmware
Then You will get an Output that looks like this:
The last Entry ist that what we want. And here: Be sure what You choose! Look two or three Times that it is the right One. It doesn't have to be the last Entry. Look that on ''Description stands ''ubuntu''. Then you type:
bcdedit /delete
make a Space and then use the Stuff in the Brackets. Then press Enter. Again: Look what You have chosen before You click on Enter!
After that You can type again bcdedit /enum firmware to check if the Entry is gone. When you then make a Reboot you should directly start into Windows.
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