Latest security news

I didn't checked that too because I only have Z17 installed.

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Also only 64-bit systems affected so still a case for 32-bit Linux to be around!


Balena Etcher collect many information.

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Not sure if this may impact anyone here, as seems more for linux servers:


There is a Flatpak Security Issue CVE-2024-32462 (please don't wonder; it's a german Site):

Patches are ready but not yet available on Ubuntu. So, we have to wait.

The Linux Experiment talks about this Issue, too (1:35-3:20):

Not me! Flatpak and snap always removed post-install!

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A quick Update to the Flatpak Issue. The Update is available. After the Installation is Version 1.14.6 installed:

apt list flatpak
Listing... Gotowe
flatpak/stable-security,now 1.14.4-1+deb12u1 amd64 [installed]
flatpak/stable-security 1.14.4-1+deb12u1 armhf
flatpak/stable-security 1.14.4-1+deb12u1 i386

Are these Debian Sources? Because for Debian stable give it a corrected Version 1.14.4-1+deb12u1

Yes debian.I hope.

What System do You use that it shows You that? Debian directly or a Debian based Distro?

lmde6 mint distribution on debian

LMDE with Debian Base. That is the Reason why it looks different. On Zorin it looks like this on my Picture. But Zorin has an Ubuntu Base.

mint is also ubuntu base but not this version mint distribution.

Yes, LMDE and Linux Mint Ubuntu. But they have different Sources because of the Base. And there it depends how fast the Update lands in the Sources and then to the End Users.

Yes. You are wright.