Now this is my experience. Linux is very extremely difficult.
I say this because it is and I only feel more frustration when people who do the tutorials saying "That was extremely easy." Because nobody uses such overexaggeration in windows tutorial.
I mean you can say it was easy. but no matter how easy, you won't use that line.
Nothing against the linux users. (Sometimes people kinda get upset when I say it's difficult for some reason.)
Because I am a linux user and have no intention to ever going back to Windows because of it's Advertisements and privacy invasion like lying Apple that says they care about privacy and still get a lot of customers.
Strangely it seems like there are a lot of people who try to lie or I don't know, maybe they are born smart and got all A+ in school.
But certainly there is a thing that many linux users seems to say it is easy as if that's gonna make people more want to try linux.
(Just my experience and opinion just like some people might consider this easier or not.)
I think if somebody made a perfect simple just follow what I do easy tutorial,
that would be the best reason for people to switch to linux than saying it's easy.
Like spam those tutorials everywhere.
I think the tutorials and such aren't good enough. (yes, if it was easy for you I guess it was easy enough for you but not for me.) Most windows users are kinda dumb. So we have to make the tutorials easy. however was the only website that made any sense. I did had to read it thourougly though. Usually windows users don't want to read stuff and understand. They just want things to be done and work. Like people don't know about tvs but they get their job done
by pressing the tv remote power button. and feel like they know about it. They do not want to open up the tv and learn how it's made and how it works.
I just want the truth.
Windows simply works. It's simple as downloading the exe installer from the official website and then save it in external drive. No need for internet at all.
Just download the 50~80 or max 500mb offline version.
All you have to do is double click next, next and chances are 99.9% of the time
installation simply just works. Unless an error happens. which only 0.1% of the time would. I mean how could anything beat double click , next next ?
The only expertise on windows installation is have patience and uncheck sneaky tool bar installation.
Really easy to reinstall the whole os while linux, it's really complicated with
know the terminal command, what method to install ? Do I have Pip ?
Did I got the right ubuntu version 5.5 ? while being in zorin 10.0 and check the software version ? Did I have the right repository ? list goes on.
Compared to linux where I try to install just softwares and it keeps getting errors.
Because there are like layers of reasons to get errors. If you are simple minded you will not use your imagination and never know why.
Windows is like playing a no brainer action rpg which is hack and slash. All you do is left click right click and repeat. You don't ever use your brain.
No matter how bad things turn out you can also re level your character and win.
Linux is like playing the most difficult puzzle game like darksiders. But the controls while fighting is also became more difficult. Because you have to constantly use your brain. Also don't forget to use your imagination why it's not working and other potential reasons.
I tried darksiders and I got stuck in puzzles. I had to follow 1 step by step in puzzles when puzzles got insanely difficult. It wasn't a game anymore it was a
problem to solve. I thought it was a hack and slash first. I did solve all other puzzles in other games but this was truly a puzzle game as a genre at this point.
On Windows, learning difficult things is just imitating what the tutorials do.
The most difficult thing would be as easy as imitating the tutorials "registry"
which could destroy your system. (At least that was my experience I'm not talking about programming because I'm not learning programming I just want things to work. I don't want to learn anything.)
On Linux, learning how to install software is always a problem and it takes long long hours for many months to work. (I've been gathering lot of information and trying this and that for a long time and things are starting to work except lot more to go.)
On linux however, there are many many methods to install softwares.
And it feels like people are lying by saying , hey linux has more options to download the exact same software so it's easier.
(It makes it more difficult because it's like making email passwords.
1 website says ok to "thisismypassword" then other says put a number, character, Capital letter, at least 20 letters.
(Example only on terminal, not able on synaptic, only through .DEB, only by Appimage.) and I follow the commands, I follow the tutorials but it doesn't work.
I have barely any memory in windows having a problem installing a simple mere software. and this is shockingly difficult.
such as
Terminal (It seems like 1 method but there are multiple methods in terminal alone. sudo apt install vlc, wget, snap and on.)
You also need to know the exact name of the "Codename" for the software installation and not the exact name of the software. Perfection is required on Terminal so you can get an error. This is why tutorials have to be very precise.
Sudo apt install (vlc)
(I know this is not the right command just an example, if you put
( )
then it might not work. even though they say put ( ).
Sometimes they say it's < > but it's [ ].
So it has to be perfection but I guess if you are not a beginner it is obvious and you might even laugh so they will not say this and you have to figure it out on your own.
Synaptic (Simple but not easy at first because you have to get used to it and learn. I had problem with this because I was afraid I might make mistake and
this might be graphical but it's not obvious as the normal other softwares.
I say this is kinda abnormal software because it feels like hybrid of GUI and Terminal. Unlike vlc software. It feels like you are using Terminal. Not much
colors and buttons. It's like "windows registry" so it feels like you have to be careful. I know many people just click, click without worry while using vlc, any browser but when they see windows registry, they feel the pressure and it's not easily understandable with mostly a lot of letters than obvious buttons.
It is confusing with multiple same vlc versions and some other vlc related stuff
available. Usually in windows, you just download and install instead of getting binary package stuff. But I had to use it learn so I did it and now I know it. I knew I can always reinstall the entire os. and had no other choice.)
Graphical software center (First used this and this is the easiest but the softwares are sometimes outdated and there are like 2 versions of it.
If you were to only use this and get satisfied with the simplest things and not
overly try to achieve what you want then linux just might not be so difficult.
<Still a lot lot difficult than windows. trash can , my pc doesn't exist. text have lines and numbers, things can freeze but ctrl+alt+del doesn't work. you have to set it. no short cut default key. and linux tends to freeze lot more than windows in my experience. The Terminal is somewhat necessary and commands are difficult. excluding sudo apt install vlc.>
Because you can always look for other options.
(This is also a big reason why I'm having it hard. I have softwares I want to work.
I did get some alternatives but some I don't want the alternatives.)
.DEB (Easy once you got Gdebi installed. and said to be secure.)
Snap, Appimage (Always warns it could be potentially less secure. snap can be installed though terminal and appimage is like windows portable without having to extract a folder, and just use 1 single icon file to run the program.)
If you are a beginner you will not even understand what I'm saying here and will think I'm an expert. But I'm just talking about the very basics. At least I would not
understand anything what this text is saying 1 year ago. But for some reason I think everybody would understand this except for me for some reason.
Sometimes they say if you get used to it or once you learn but that already means linux is more difficult than windows. Because when I first got my pc it was windows and decades past but I barely have any memory of having a very hard time with problems with pc in the os system while just doing simple things.
The only hard things was when my pc broke. You know the physical parts changing and opening stuff and sending to the repair shop. Although that is not windows. Also people tends to say building pc is easy. They said "even your grandma can do it" Reality is my mom thinks I'm a computer expert and I'm not but I learned a lot, knowing how to use more softwares and stuff is already more. Mom however doesn't even know how to turn a pc. My grandma never had a chance to even click a mouse. That's the reality. While obviously some grandpas can play video games. Pretty sure most 40s,50s can use pc but not 70,80s in terms of statistics. So my mom is a rare case. but most 40s,50s can't open and build pc parts. 20s, 30s, probably 35% of population can if there was a lot who can at best.
Now I learned it but it's all about the luck. If you have a mentor who would teach you, you have 0 worries and will do it.
But if you have to do it on your own, you will have a lot of anxiety. Also the psychological part. And the preparedness. Simply you have to buy used cheap pcs to practice so you can just try and learn. But to use your own expensive pc,
psychology won't let you.
Some youtubers would say if you don't suffer you can learn nothing when talking about linux learning. While it may be true this is like a proof that linux is insanely difficult. Because nobody would say If you don't suffer you can't learn windows.
I searched on a search engine and youtube 2 things. 1 is "Why linux is difficult"
"Why windows is difficult" Result says the truth.
Search result is linux is about why it is difficult to learn to just use and make things work. And some videos trying to convince it is not hard when it is.
For windows, it's about why windows 10 is hard to use. What this means is not that people find it hard to learn to make things work. It means windows 10 is constantly making advertisements show up, automated forced updates and such. So it is hard (Inconvenient to be precise.) but easy to get things done.
This is obvious but I had to search because people keep saying stuff to make people feel linux is not hard or making videos about Motivational Inpirational stuff.
I've been translating foreign languages for many people for free whether they were thankful or very thankful or didn't care or was instead rude. (things just happen when you help people. ) and there are many people who do this. But when it comes to computer questions I think people don't really want to waste their time to solve it for others. And there are many rules in other tech forums that are too strict. I think zorin has the least strict rules with reaonsable reasons.