Modern Nvidia Drivers

Opsman please edit your posts instead of creating new ones. Its not that people will run faster to help you. Have some patience please.

Yes the boot time is insane and yes you can try to install the driver.

The graphics card is now using Nvidia drivers (thanks for your help with this) so you mentioned possibly optimizing speeds and boot? Is there anything that can be done to improve the 2 minutes boot time?

Buy a ssd ? My wife has a 10 years old laptop that boots within 20 seconds. Before with her older hdd it took double the time

I appreciate that but the cost of installing an SSD in this 2009 iMac is prohibitive. It is not something I could do so would have to pay someone to do it. It was booting up El Capitan OS a lot quicker than this but, once it is booted I guess the speeds are similar. It is just any tweaks that may be available in the boot process that would help.

The truth is, what you visually see when your computer boots up, and what actually is, are two different things. I did not know this until I ran the command...


Which gave me this result today, on my Zorin machine, running my new Star Labs theme.

Startup finished in 7.973s (kernel) + 13.848s (userspace) = 21.821s reached after 13.810s in userspace

I am sorry. You completely lost me there.

CTRL ALT T to enter terminal.

Run the following command...


Post the results here. As I said, systemd-analyze provides you how many seconds, or minutes, it took to accomplish each task, in booting up your computer, all the way to the desktop. Its real hard data that lets you know how long things are truly taking.

Like I said, if you really want to know the real truth to your computers boot times in Linux, there is no better command, then systemd-analyze, to provide the results.

Startup finished in 6.655s (kernel) + 50.858s (userspace) = 57.514s reached after 50.373s in userspace

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If this is on a SSD drive, it took far too long to get into the OS, that is not right.

If this is on a mechanical HDD drive, then this is normal actually.

It is a 640GB HDD.
As I say, it is just the boot up time. When I am opening applications etc it works at an acceptable speed. Would the Lite version be any better? Is it worth me switching?

When it comes to sheer speed performance of the OS, heck ya LITE will be better. So just wait for OS 16 LITE to be released, and then install that.

I agree; that is a normal boot time for HDD.
Yes, Lite would be a bit faster on Boot.

What is the output of

systemd-analyze blame

You can use "Select-all", then copy, then use Pastebin to relay the results.

How does the Pastebin entry get to you? Do I create a new login or login as my username and password on the Forum?

No, you can just copy and share the link.

I have put it on Pastebin as Opsman2021

Honestly, everything there looks great. Better than my machine, even. That does not add up to 2 minutes of boot time, though.

Ok Thanks StarTreker, Aravison and Michel in particular for your patience and your assistance with this issue. One last question and then I will mark it as solved.
If I wait for OS 16 Lite and then install that I guess I will have to do all the sorting of VLC, Graphics drivers etc all over again.
I saw another post " How to change task bar menu type and more Zorin 16 pro" and Aravision talked about XCFE and loading a different desktop environment. Would that be a way to speed up the boot time or just give a quicker environment once it had booted up?

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On Zorin OS Core, with XFCE installed, even if not Using the Gnome D.E., it all must still initialize.
You would not see a faster boot time if you install and use XFCE on Core.

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