Modern Nvidia Drivers

It's not only the graphics, grub has slow boot times as well. Remember i compared both boot times (Zorin OS 16 vs Pop! OS 21.04) ? Pop! OS is using Systemd-bootloader while zorin is using the older grub. That's why Zorin booted longer for my machine, compared to Pop! Zorin took 20-25 sec longer to boot.

Let's stick to one issue at a time.

POP_OS may have a different method of booting (Which there is the other can of worms about users opinions on Systemd), but really; The stronger issue is getting a loading and functional desktop to run.

Where would I find the graphics card details now I am in Linux?

I appreciate your willingness to help by the way all of you.

Snagged it from the O.P.

Thanks. I agree with you. I would have expected it to run Zorin easily as It has been running El Capitan with no issues for a few years now.

You can decrease boot time with:

sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

The NetworkManager-wait-online.service is for Ubuntu server and unless you are using your personal PC as one, it does you no good.

@Michel is a whiz with Nvidia cards and I am barely Novice. I suspect that Nvidia is loading slowly, creating the wait time, but this can be checked using analyze-blame.

But ensuring you have the right Graphics drivers running should be first priority, then optimizing speeds and boot can follow that. In my opinion.

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I am trying to swap from the Nouveau driver BCM4322 to the Nvidia Binary Driver version 340.108 from nVidia-340 but there was an error applying the change - pk-client-error-quark: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. When I try that in Terminal I get the following: error: requested operation requires superuser privilege
How do you get Superuser privilege?

I have seen lots of chat on You Tube videos about removing Broadcom kernel source and loading up B43 Firmware installer.
Step 1: "sudo apt remove broadcom-sta-dkms bcmwl-kernel-source"

Step 2: If you are connected to internet via ethernet (which I can be)

If you are connected to internet via LAN/Ethernet cable, you can install different broadcom drivers using this command:

"sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer"

It certainly seems to be an issue with the Graphics. i just tried to change the background and it is taking forever. I think it has frozen everything but I will leave it for a while to see if it is just taking it's time. Do you think those steps above to install new drivers is worth a try?

That means the sudo command must precede the command you tried.

sudo dpkg --configure -a

SuperUser DO

broadcom-sta-dkms bcmwl-kernel-source is for Internet Drivers, not graphics... Did you mean a different command?

Sorry, getting confused. I have wireless going at the moment but had made a note to think about updating. Don't want to touch just yet while it is working!
Any help on graphics would be appreciated. The screen is still frozen with the selection of pictures for background after I tried to change it. Have had to restart. Then I can try the sudo dpkg --configure -a

I did this and it made a significant difference in boot up time.And also changed the background picture in boot up. When I tried to change it back again it froze again. Will restart again.

Is this the current status?

Just waiting to see if the change of driver to the nVidia one completes. If not I may have to manually try the configuration in terminal.

"Error while applying changes
pk-client-error-quark:Error while installing package:istalled nvidia-340 packae post installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10(313)"

It did not offer me the option to manually fix it with that entry into terminal so have started the process to swap drivers again. I must admit, during the live USB sessions I tried to connect to the nvidia driver and it would not let me do it.

It showed it had swapped over to the 340-108 nvidia binary driver so I closed Software and Updates window and reopened it but it has reverted to the nouveau driver.

I tried the command in Terminal but it failed. See Message below:
phil@phil-iMac:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
[sudo] password for phil:
Setting up nvidia-340 (340.108-0ubuntu5.20.04.2) ...
dpkg: error: version '-' has bad syntax: revision number is empty
dpkg: error: version '-' has bad syntax: revision number is empty
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
INFO:Enable nvidia-340
DEBUG:Parsing /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/quirks/lenovo_thinkpad
DEBUG:Parsing /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/quirks/put_your_quirks_here
DEBUG:Parsing /usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/quirks/dell_latitude
Removing old nvidia-340-340.108 DKMS files...

Deleting module version: 340.108
completely from the DKMS tree.

Loading new nvidia-340-340.108 DKMS files...
Building for 5.11.0-37-generic
Building for architecture x86_64
Building initial module for 5.11.0-37-generic
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.11.0-37-generic (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-340/340.108/build/make.log for more information.
dpkg: error processing package nvidia-340 (--configure):
installed nvidia-340 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-0ubuntu9.2) ...
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.136ubuntu6.6) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.11.0-37-generic
Errors were encountered while processing:

I think that is where it is. I wonder if the 5.8 kernel would suit better.

Sorry but you lost me on that one.
Where would I get that from and how would I install it?

Is that an earlier version rather than the most up to date one?