NALA is awesome - so, why keep using apt?

One of the first things I did when I installed Zorin was install nala! Nala fetch, was my first command and I chose the top 4 mirrors to save and use. Obviously, starting with a brand new distro, I needed to do a lot of tweaking and installing - nala is truly awesome for all of that, so why don't more people use it?
I'm coming from a position of wanting to learn and share... does anyone have anything as radical to share? Always looking for a new and better way to keep this machine running the best that it can, and hopefully, win some new converts over to Linux. For instance - I'd love to learn something cool re Gnome.

The name of the game in Debian-based distributions is stability. APT works fine while Nala still has some weird bugs going on here and there. Which is not to say that it's bad software or anything of the sort. As with most things, one has to try to see if it's a suitable alternative.

Personally, I don't have the need to search for any alternatives for now. If I ever do need to get more juice out of it, I would probably just look at how APT works and learn how to tweak it to my needs.
The upcoming version 3 of APT looks very promising and addresses many of the same issues that Nala does. I'm sure that with time it'll be even better in terms of performance as well.

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The better Structure and Overview of Nala is definetely a big Point for Nala I think. And: Nala isn't an own Package Manager; a Point that I find important to that. It is more some kind of Interface-Mask for APT.

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Thanks for the replies. Yeah, nala is a front-end for apt that's been around fr a couple of years now... a lot of the bugs have been ironed out.
I really like the efficiency and streamlined speed of nala, plus the History option, which doesn't exist in apt, is an incredible tool for simply undoing an unwanted update (no purge required), or reversing a mistake. I watched a YT video where someone completely purged their entire desktop environment when installing Steam with apt... Nala has a great reputation with professionals and enthusiasts of Ubuntu and Debian - I'd recommend at least checking it out, not just dismissing it out of hand.

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Don't forget Apper! Nicer alternative to Software!

I'll have to check that out - thanks!

Nala is great. The tool set is very nice, especially the history abilities.

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installed it
will see how it goes

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Try using:
sudo nala fetch - wait for the list to be populated and choose the fastest 3 or 4 mirrors to save - 1 2 3 4 (no commas). You can check for changes to that every month, or so. You'll be amazed at the speed!
Good luck!

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did that already right after installing
this site seems pretty usefull

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playing with nala , and some useless eye candy on 2nd ... :rofl:


that's great, thank you!

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