New user here :)

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would post a hello. I'm a new Linux user, started with Mint about three months ago but thought I would give Zorin a go (and probably others in the future)

I have run in to one quirk with Zorin - if I set the taskbar to intellihide I cant then right click anything on the start menu, if I try the start menu just shuts. I discovered this trying to pin Thunderbird to the desktop.

Hopefully I wont run into too many issues such as this :slightly_smiling_face:


I can't help with your particular issue as after I installed Zorin 17.1 r2 Core to replace GhostBSD I installed KDE Plasma and removed all things Gnome. Other distros you might like to try are Q4OS KDE, PCLinuxOS KDE, MX-Linux KDE.


...but if you want a bit more variation in your distro-hopping than KDE, I suggest Ultramarine: Fedora with some better defaults for most users and the more relatable Budgie desktop than plain gnome Fedora recommends.

That said, both Ultramarine and Fedora are available with other desktops as official releases, including window managers like i3.

MX-Linux Xfce is great, too.

(but I do prefer KDE, personally)

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Welcome to the Forum!

I hope, that You will enjoy Your Experience with Linux - no matter what Distro You will use. Hopefully You will find a Distro what suits for You.

I tried that now by myself and I confirm that Problem. Very interesting Situation. Do You have that Problem on the Desktop, too or only when You have openend a Program in full-screen Mode?

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I will flag to devs, if it is a bug they can squash @AZorin @zorink

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Ya!!! We love to have new people on the board \o/

Thanks for the welcome and reply, I have tested out the problem - I had windows open on full view, and minimized, I also tried out opening different programs, Libre office, email etc and the problem stays the same

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If you are unable to fix the problem, you could try installing Zorin Lite which is based on XFCE. I have used it on different desktops and laptops for a few years - it has its own small problems, but may be better for you.

I will look into that ian4238. The only thing is Lite is not being actively developed anymore is it? Does this mean it wont be as well supported with security updates etc?

Lite is actively maintained and developed; however after Zorin OS 18, it will be no longer offered.

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So, the Taskbar even disappears when the Windows are minimized? That I don't have. Could You maybe make a Screenshot of Your Settings? Maybe there is something what can be adjust.

Which settings do you want me to take a screenshot of?

The Settings from the Taskbar. You can open them for Example with a right-click on the Taskbar and choose the Settings Option. When it is opened, click on the Gear Icon from the Hiding Option (please don't be irritated by the Language; it is german):

Then you should get a Settings Overview like this:

Hope this works:

Hey there, welcome to Linux, and Zorin OS!

You may want to toggle on, "Allow the panel to be revealed while in fullscreen mode."

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Okay, thank you.

Like @StarTreker wrote, You could try it with activate the Toggle of ''Allow the panel to be revealed while in fullscreen mode'' and to that ''Only hide the panel when it is obstructed by windows''.

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Thanks for all the suggestions everyone - I've tried them all but the problem still persists. Its not a deal breaker, I can live with it and maybe a solution will come up in the future :blush:

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