No updates since few days

Since two weeks I didn't have any new updates to zorin os ..
Usually when i run the software updater or sudo apt update .. I would get security updates ..but now I am not getting any updates ...

the software updater just says everything is up to date..
are there no updates or something is broken on my side ?

haven't made any changes to official repos

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Maybe because it whas christmas and new years eve ? Alot of companies/people are free in the last week of december and the first week of januari.


yeah this could be the reason....

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That is also what I am thinking. Next week could get busy again.

I recommend you switch your update server to "main server" if you haven't already...that way you will get faster and stabler updates.


Okay I will do that thanks for the suggestion

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Changed from General to Chat.

Today i put command on terminal sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and coming new updates.

I switched to main server and ran sudo apt update but I am getting the following error.

Maybe the servers are temporarily down ?

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