Nice a clock.
I used one of these mechanical calculators (similar but not that brand) once when I was a student.
This watch, if someone wears it, is a protest against the surveillance of us people by smartwatches, telephones and all other dirty tricks
If you search "Nixie Tube" on Wikipedia, you will be surprised to see photo of Steve Wozniak wearing a Nixie Tube Watch at bottom of the page.
Yeah. I liked to be visible to people who know what i thinking - and 99% people don't know what that means.
It gived for me more a comfort psychics.
Besides that a clock also using Petros Psyllos. It is his hands on photo.
Casio FX501/502 tape interface? I loved my FX502P, I swear blind it's up in the loft somewhere but numerous searches have failed to find it.
How did people communicate about their hobbies before the Internet? What flourished at that time was submissions to magazines, and believe it or not, people published their addresses and corresponded with each other. That's how old-time doujinshi were made, too.
Frogger I remember and a few others, Windows 95 hell how things have changed!
I liked Windows 95 & Windows XP too! After those Windows turned a corner into spyware? and their OS's became below rotten IMHO.
My wife still has one complete!
That's never going to fit in a smart phone!
Must have been shipped by Amazon. They use boxes far bigger than the product.
Your not wrong there!
I only recognise that as a Steam Punk wristwatch. Very nice.
Reminds me of the beautiful Steam Punk computer hardware:
Guess you could call the above 'New Retro Nostalgia' - that's because nobody was around at the time, nor did the tech exist at that time either!