Not able to connect Google Contacts to Evolution

I am getting the above message in Evolution.

Anyone getting this? if yes how did you manage to import google contacts here in Evolution?

After some more google searches I got to know that it's an ongoing issue with Evolution..

Now I am wondering if that's the case why would Zorin OS 16 Pro , would include Evolution in their release if they knew this was an issue as for most of the users will use gmail as their daily driver.

I had the same Issue - I changed to the Flatpack Version Problem solved


I didn't install anything it came out of the box.

I removed it and now using it with flatpak version and issue got resolved.


Thanks for the solution, @tattooman.

For reference, if you've already set up accounts in Evolution, it is necessary to use File > Back up Evolution data… before running apt remove evolution. Once the flatpak is installed, restore settings from File > `Restore Evolution data…

It's more than likely down to Google's end - In Kmail you had to get an authentication mode to setup gmail. I am slowly winding down my gmail usage, preferring protonmail and


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