"Notepad" missing

Forgive the clickbait title :smiley:

Zorin needs to enable "notepad" as a keyword search for the text editor ootb.

This is a great distro for Windows refugees. But one cannot type "notepad" and get a notepad app. The menu simply can't find it. One must type "text".

I tried to use the "Main Menu" app (Alacarte) to change it, but it wouldn't accept any modification to the "comment" field.

I agree, that's pretty annoying, though likely gnome's / Ubuntu's fault more than Zorins's. But if Zorin can fix it within their OS that would be great. I had a similar frustration that Thunderbird doesn't show when you type "email" but does for "mail" :joy:

As a more immediate solution, try software called Menu Editor, which allows you to edit a "keywords" field and I can report (on Fedora Workstation which uses mostly vanilla gnome) that typing "notepad" does bring up the Text Editor.


I tried the same program (or it looks extremely similar) called "Main Menu" in Zorin. I have tried to edit it, and i hit OK but it just doesn't OK it. The button flashes, but it doesn't OK. The box stays up.

Anyone got any ideas to 'fix' this?

The solution is to add a keyword as mentioned by @Ultrabenosaurus above. However, if the Menu Editor doesn't work, you can skip the middle man and edit the .desktop entry for this program directly.

Open the file located at /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.gedit.desktop. Add a new keyword accordingly on the "Keywords" section. Make sure to end the line with a semi-colon (;)

NOTE: You will need to edit this file with admin privileges, a.k.a. root privileges: