Partial upgrade

Ok, so it may be the Nvidia drivers.
Can you please run...

sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*' && sudo dkms remove nvidia

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390

Once done... UNDO the Grub File change to set the default kernel...

Then try a reboot and test...

ā€œSudo dkms remove nvidiaā€ prompts an error message invalid number of parameters passed, usage remove module/version ā€”all
Module/version ā€” k(kernel-version)

That's fine - you may have not had the driver installed with dkms
just do:

sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390

5.13.0-41 is the current for 16.1 for Pro Lite

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We are back in business after that. So let me ask now. How to I get all the, what I perceive to be monitoring tests, from matrixing on my screen when I power on and power off.

This only just started at the same time as the other issue.

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Please paste the entire line that starts with:




Thanks, glad you are still helping after I... came in like a wrecking ball...

It looks like your Nvidia card will only work with the 390 driver.
So, we need to lock that in.

sudo apt-mark hold nvidia-driver-390

Im working atm, had to step away for a bit to address some misbehaving servers. :slight_smile: Glad it all got sorted

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Question however is what this seems like a cooperation issue between the driver and something in the update, wouldnā€™t that be addressed in the future? Iā€™d hate to miss out on any performance or stability updates to the driver unless that really isnā€™t an issue

Such as the 510 driver which looks to have a huge list of improvements, although that ones in beta right now. Even 470 looks to have some fixes.

Noticed previously as well that driver was listed as manually installed driver checked and now itā€™s back to proprietary 390 checked. This is in the software and updates additional driver tab.

As above, it looks like this particular card will only work with the 390 driver. Sadly, this is on Nvidia, not Linux...

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