PC dual boot Zorin 17 pro Crash won't re-boot error code 0000225

This computer has lots of CPU and Memory and I don't use the dual boot with Win-10. Upgraded Zorin 16 pro to Zorin 17 or 17.1. Boot disk is Samsung 840 -- 250GB.
I used to build PC for people fix problems needed very little help. Several months back had a little memory problem and back to normal in about a week except almost all computer knowledge lost, so I am in need of lots of help. Computer parts look familiar just can't remember how to test system. From the error code I assume boot is messed up. What I need to do first is get computer where it will boot up. Next I want to upgrade to 17.2 Pro.
Zorin 17 Pro is on this PC so where and how do I start. If their is nothing wrong with boot files and/or SSD then that means another component is bad. I hate to have to hire a local repairman for something that would have taken me less than 2 hours to fix.
So please please help I am at your mercy. I am now going on 87.

Do you have a photo of the error that's being given to you? Is it just a cursor on a black screen, or are you seeing anything else beforehand?

Also, did this happen right after you upgraded to 17, or did you upgrade and then some time passed before the error starting popping up?

Could you take a picture with your smartphone to see the exact error in question?

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize the post was already there.

I will take one. It's a full blue page with information.
Come to think about it I believe it was several days after upgrading to 17.
I will get the screen shot in a few min.

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That is a Windows OS recovery error screen.

If you navigate to your Boot Order in BIOS, are you able to boot Zorin OS?

There ya go: F12

How do I navigate to my Boot Order in BIOS? So it is hung on part of dual boot menu.

When you reboot, what happens when you mash the F12 key?

So F12 sends it to Boot Menu? Anyway it has no effect pushing F12 while it is trying to boot finally try's to reboot again about two more trys then shuts down. Is there a special way to do this?

It may be a timing issue. F12 should send you to the boot menu from the motherboard splash screen. But you need to hit it pretty quickly before the computer initializes the boot sequence.

It doesn't do anything, there is the problem. The old dual boot menu is mess up. How can we tell it to only use Zorin?

Can you try F8 instead of F12?

That is dead also or has no effects.

How about spamming f2 or delete while starting ? Like Aravisian said, it's a matter of timing, and modern drives have made it a very, very short time that you can hit it.

That being said, if you get to that blue screen, when it says hit escape to go to UEFI, does it bring you there?

Hard to be sure but I think the f keys keeps the screen black longer or shorter period of time seeing the motherboard booting screen. Escape has no effect and also the End key.

Is there a potential for your keyboard to be having some issues at the same time? Could you also try plugging it into another USB port on the computer to make sure the port isn't bad as well?

The fact that it's bringing up nothing at the bios screen is very weird. Another option that could be tried is to take out the hard drive entirely so there's nothing it can boot from so you can see if you can get in the bios then.

I just now found that the keyboard I was using is bad. Now pushing F12 I can get into Motherboard boot menu. All the other keys are also working.
Now the problem is a corrupted boot file on the SSG. Looks like everything else is set properly.

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Glad to hear at least that was something minor. One thing down, now the next.

If you go into the boot menu, what entries are listed? If there's an ubuntu option and you select it, does it lead you to the same error screen? Or is there no ubuntu option in the list? (Please include a photo just in case).

If there's no Ubuntu entry, next what I would try is to get a bootable USB of Zorin (or Ubuntu) and run that in the live "try" mode. (Might have to change the boot order when you get that up and running). Then when you get into the desktop, you can run Boot-Repair to try to get the boot issues dealt with. You can install it with

sudo apt install boot-repair