I've had Zorin Pro installed on my Minus Forum pc for a few months and have been loving it. Last week I did a software update and now it won't go past the Minis Forum boot screen.
ESC doesn't seem to do anything.
I've been able to use the boot usb to use the Try Zorin and access my drive but I'm not sure what to do after that, I don't want to reinstall and wipe it.
I found this thread, ZorinOS 16 Pro wont Boot after installation and tried following the steps but it didn't take me to a Recovery Menu, just a lot of text on a black screen. When i typed the "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" it said it didn't recognize the command. I also tried typing inGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset" and nothing happened and when I exited out it froze at the Minus Forum screen.
I just found a way to get to recovery mode,
As per the link in your post, it says it maybe the, Esc/Tab/Shift?etc.
I found if i Tap the "Shift" key it brings up the Advanced section.
Select. Advance then recovery mode. or last working firmware.
Hope this may help.
As Ocka has said above, you somehow need to get to your Grub menu and from there select "Advanced Options for Zorin". That should display previous linux kernel versions prior to your update. Try one of those to see if it was a kernel update that has failed you.
Thank you both for the help! I was able to get to the Advanced Options with Shift, went to recovery mode and was able to run updates from the desktop. Everything seems to be working after a restart.
Gday @walrus_tusks ,
Glad to hear you fixed it.
Could you please Mark the post as "Solution " that helped, Or add a post explaining your Solution.
This lets Others know they can find a solution here that may help them.
Thank you.
Sorry, I take it back. I thought I fixed it and now after the PC goes to sleep the screen is locked and I have to hard reboot. Then when it restarts the screen gets stuck at the same place as it did before.
AMD graphics, no Nvidia- The "nomodeset" probably won't help you with that.
Instead, can you please Roll Back to the previous known working kernel.
Just as before, boot to Recovery - then from the list of kernels, select the earlier kernel to boot from.
Once that is done, follow the rest of these steps here to ensure that the set earlier kernel is retained upon reboot:
With some sleep and reboots, should test if that resolves the issue for now.
The next Kernel update will likely resolve the issue more permanently, so watch for future updates. When a kernel update arrives, undo the setting for older kernel on boot and test the later kernel.
Following the [how to], I can get it to boot all the way to the desktop but now my second screen isn't being recognized. It isn't showing up at all in the display settings.
Is there any way to back up my current set up and then access it from a fresh install?
Is the nomodeset parameter that you tried earlier still in your grub file?
If so, please remove it. Don't forget to run sudo update-grub after saving and closing the file.
Since you altered which kernel you are using, you probably need to refresh the drivers.
sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
sudo apt update && sudo ubuntu-drivers install
You could grab the X-swat teams graphics drivers updates:
Thank you, so far everything seems to be booting correctly and both monitors are back online.
So I should stick with the rolled back kernal then when the next one comes out update to that? I'll have to change GRUB_DEFAULT back to 0 when that happens?
Exactly. And if the newer kernel still is not working, roll back to and stick to the one that is.
The latest and greatest often is too new, with regressions or unfound bugs...
Kernels contain everything you should need. Newer kernels contain the Newest Drivers for the Newest Hardware... So if your kernel works, then a newer kernel usually has nothing to offer.
We "upgrade" them because we are conditioned to think we are 'sposta.