Performance Mode In Zorin Os Core 17 not visible

Hey guys, i just installed zorin os 17. The problem is that I am not able to see performance mode only power save and balanced mode is visible. is it possible to force performance mode.

Interestingly, whilst Zorin is based on Ubuntu 22.04, which apparently has the Performance option according to this article, may also provide you with a command line alternative in the meantime:

Thank you for the reply,

I tried it but it is still into balanced mode ,
lenovo@15ADA05:~$ powerprofilesctl performance
lenovo@15ADA05:~$ powerprofilesctl

  • balanced:
    Driver: placeholder

    Driver: placeholder

Even when I write the command according to the link you have given it does not change to Performance mode.

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This appears to be a New Gnome... feature...

Could it be that your Hardware doesn't support the Performance Mode and because of that it isn't visible for you? I didn't have the Performance Mode Option too. I think it is because I only have an AMD APU and no High Performance Hardware.

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As Aravisian has pointed out, it is a new Gnome feature. It has already been stated elsewhere that new monitors, motherboards and so on have got to be environmentally friendly and reduce strain on energy supplies. I wonder if fast charging Tesla points will have to follow suit! Perhaps when Toyota have perfected the water engine (the two individuals who already did that have been terminated) it can be fed down to a hydroponic PC system! LOL!

I too think that my AMD CPU doesn't support the performance mode..

Anyway, Thank you all for helping me!

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The Gnome developers provide two means of affecting change in Gnome:

  • Submit feedback and they might maybe consider it possibly.
  • Code the wanted changes into the Gnome Source code and submit the changes to Gnome Developers and they might maybe consider it possibly.

This is a very good point. And it may be a difference in Gnome version. It may be a difference in hardware or it may be a difference in Zorin OS.
I agree with you that sussing out what that difference is and where it is is important.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Zorin OS 17 Performance Mode Settings Missing

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to see Performance Mode

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