Pop! OS topic / talk / support (all in one)

My wife had the same black screen of death as like i had yesterday. She is also using Pop! OS and did the nvidia updates 2 days ago. The screen went black and did not get turned on after a hour. Same thing happend yesterday with mine when i was away from keyboard for +/- 2 hours.

I am pretty sure now it has to do with the nvidia drivers.

From the journalctl command i found this

So i added these 2 things, it seems it does work for users who got those blackscreens during suspend or did not use the computer for a while. Let's hope this fixes it.

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Well the blackscreen came back but it fixed it self after +/- 5-10 seconds. Journalctl logs shows this (@Aravisian, @Storm ). Anything that makes sense to you 2 ?

I do not see anything in each of those screenshots that relates to a cause for a blanking screen. Can you please post a reminder:
Which Nivida card you are using?
Confirm if on the 6.9 kernel.
Which Nvidia driver you are using.
Whether Mesa and Cuda are installed?
I see a monitor connected using Display Port. Is this a notebook computer with built in screen or Desktop PC? Any HDMI's connected?

(Yes, there are many warnings or 'errors' about lid switch, keyboard layout, printer - all of this can be ignored for now).

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Gtx 1070 on the acer notebook
Rtx 3070 ti on the msi one

Both have the same issue, both got this issue on the 560 drivers. 555.xx driver did not cause black screens. Yes 6.9 kernel

Notebook on internal screen. No hdmi attached and both notebooks dont have a display port.

Exterior DP, you probably mean.

Your Notebook monitor is connected using the internal Display Port. - in yours DFP-5
The GPU must connect to the motherboard, and this requires a connection. Whether exterior on a PC with a port you access with one hand, or internal of a notebook computer that you access with disassembly, cussing and four hands.
It will still use a DP or HDMI or other. That's the programming, not necessarily the exact appearance of the plug.

This explains the lack of a log entry.
This is particular to the Nvidia 560 driver and behaviors within the card communicating with the motherboard > Display monitor. I can only recommend using a different driver until Nvidia fixes their latest driver.

Nvidia drivers are a lot like a stray dog. They look cute, and may seem nice at first glance. But never trust them.
You need to do some observation and testing, first.

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Going to downgrade them back to 555.xxx and hold any updates to it.

I am on 555. It, too, has the CPU Dump. Nvidia wants to be perceived as having the best performance, so they keep looking for ways of diverting processing for the GPU onto the CPU causing Overheating. Motivated by the idea that reputation can earn them sales, this causes a back and forth with a release causing the CPU overheating and the next not. Then the next causing overheating again. They persist.
I went ahead and underclocked my CPU to mitigate this effect.
Other than that. I have had no other issues on 555.

NOOOoooo.... the latest update to cosmic DE breaks the appearance settings. I can't change anything. Oh well, it's alpha-ware.

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A fixed is pushed and will come later today.


So the black screen problem seems to have been fixed with the stuff i posted above. But a new problem accurs. When i put my laptop in suspend mode and login again to the machine. After 15 seconds of not touching the keyboard the screen becomes black, when i move the mouse it is working fine. I googled a bit again and came across this command from a Pop OS dev.

xset s off && xset -dpms

Is it possible to make that setting permanent ? because after each reboot i have to open terminal to fix the issue

That means you must not be using Wayland.

You can add the commands to ~.xessions file it it exists at the end of the file

xset s off
xset -dpms

Or in ~.profile.

Must reboot to reload each source whichever you use.

That file is not present

Is this one?

# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.

# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package.
#umask 022

# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
    # include .bashrc if it exists
    if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
	. "$HOME/.bashrc"

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then

adding them on the bottom line ?

Yes, after the last fi.


I rebooted, did a test putting in suspend. Screen became fully black. Going to wipe the 560 driver now. It's not fixable. Well so far i did everything i could

urm... That would have been the very first thing I did... :stuck_out_tongue:
You have far more patience than I do.

I tried and guess what, Pop! OS removed the 555 driver entirely. When i install the 555.xxx driver it auto installs 560.

So what i did now to prefend black screens, turned off this setting

Everytime the screen get stuck at black screen is around pause mode. Now it does not anymore since it's turned off and i never use pause mode anyway (never did in windows either).

I also edited the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file and changed it to this. So the lid wont use suspend anymore
