Pop! OS topic / talk / support (all in one)

Time to put windows through the shredder, then sends the shreads out the window. Actually no don't do that, that would pollute the environment. lol

I am so glad that you are enjoying Limux now. You see, there is no point in screwing around with Windows once you can play your games on Linux.

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@StarTreker, I have 2 drives in ntfs and if i run linux i have to manually mount them in zorin and pop. If i format those to a linux partition i dont have to mount them anymore right ???

Open DISKS utility.

Click on the drive you want to change on the left. Then on the right, click the :gear: icon.



Put a check on MOUNT ON STARTUP


I want to format them to ext4 ? or whatever linux is using these days.

Wanna wipe everything on the laptop in the future so windows 10 is removed from my nvme. I want to use the nvme drive for Pop! OS (fresh install), i want to use the other M2 drive for zorin os and the third drive (2tb ssd) for games to install on.

The easiest way to do this is to load into Zorin OS, then load the DISKS APP.

Click on the drive you want to format on the left. Then on the right side, click on the 3-DOTS. Click Format Disk. Format the drive to use the GPT partition table, this is what Linux uses. And if your not going to use Windows, then you don't need DOS/MBR.

Once the drive has been formatted, it should now be ready for use. Fire up the POP OS installer, and install POP OS on it.

Maybe Zorin 16 Pro vs Mx Linux?

I must be dreaming working without installation drivers. :grinning:

Nice work @Bourne. Works good for you ?

@StarTreker, after that it auto mount ?


You were asking me how to prepare your drive for POP OS installation, not about auto mounting.

Auto mounting features is for other drives in the system, to allow them to be mounted on startup. For example, a games library on an external hard drive. You'd want that auto mounted on startup.


I find it interesting that MX Linux is using an older kernel 4.19? And it appears according to you, its working perfectly fine without installation of GPU drivers.

I also find it interesting that the OS is using a total of 926MB of RAM out of your 16GB available, thats insanely good on RAM usage. Thats the kind of thing that makes having 32GB of RAM not even matter, if your able to to have 15GB of RAM free for use.

I think you misunderstood me haha...i need auto mounting but i want to format the drives in linux format. To get rid of ntfs.

Like in windows when 3 drives are installed and you can access them without mounting (c: / d: / e:).

Original message:

Once drive formatted, create an EXT4 partition.

Yes...i understand that part. Will it mount after each reboot by it self ?

Once formatted and partitioned, it will auto mount at startup, only, if that option is chosen.

DISKS utility...
Click on GEAR icon
Click user defaults toggle
Make sure checkmark SHOW IN USER INTERFACE too


Super, will try it out later :innocent:

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Ok. Mx Linux also is good Conky i see here.
I know why my resolution is always 1024x768.
Because it comes from pendrive and have some blocking things
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768
default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1024x768 76.00*

sudo update-initramfs -u
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-17-amd64
I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sdc3
I: (UUID=80734380-1b01-4d92-9060-b9ea3ec1f207)
I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.

I see the same problem what was in POP OS
What that means?
It turns out that the system should be installed on a naked laptop, without a station or foreign monitors. Otherwise it gets stupid and doesn't function properly.

@StarTreker, wish me luck. Going to delete Windows 10 from my SSD drive and install Pop! OS on that drive.

Windows free in a few minutes :innocent:

This is interesting mostly people delete windows but not throw window apple operating system, because this is also unix system?

@StarTreker, i wiped the entire windows partition and installed pop os on it. When i reboot the laptop pop os does not boot up + i can't boot in my second drive where zorin os is installed on.

Any ideas what is causing this ??? tried to reinstall pop os again and not working.

Did you format the drive GPT? Then after, install POP OS? I think you know the drill. SECURE BOOT and FAST BOOT disabled. And that your SHA256 Checksum checks out most deliciously, for a delicious install?

I let pop os do that it self, the funny thing is i do the same on the m2 sata drive (the one where zorin was installed on) and pop os works perfect. So yes format went perfect, it created this.


I guess it does not like my samsung nvme drive. I also went to the pop os site for boot repair. Followed every single step, but still it wont boot the os on nvme.

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