Pop Shell on Zorin 17.1

How to install Pop!_OS's tiling shell on Zorin OS

  1. Install Node.js by visiting the installation instructions from the official website:

    I would recommend using the version marked as LTS, which as of the time of this writing is version 20. After selecting the appropriate version on the dropdown as shown in the screenshot, run the commands shown one at the time in the terminal. Note that after the first one completes, you probably need to close the terminal and re-launch it for changes to take effect.

  2. Close the terminal window and re-launch it again. This time, you might see a message like this one:

    Your user’s .npmrc file (${HOME}/.npmrc)
    has a globalconfig and/or a prefix setting, which are incompatible with nvm.
    Run nvm use --delete-prefix v20.17.0 --silent to unset it.

    If you do, simply copy and paste the command that it's suggesting which contains the exact version of Node.js that you've installed. In my example that would be:

    nvm use --delete-prefix v20.17.0 --silent
  3. Next, we need to install a package called TypeScript using the npm command, which was installed along with Node.js:

    npm install -g typescript
  4. We're now ready to install Pop!_OS's shell. Start by downloading the repository:

    # If you are on Zorin OS 16
    git clone --branch master_focal https://github.com/pop-os/shell.git
    # If you are on Zorin OS 17
    git clone --branch master_jammy https://github.com/pop-os/shell.git

    This assumes that you already have git installed as well. If you get an error saying that it's not, the command to install it is simple enough:

    sudo apt install git
  5. This should've created a new folder called "shell". We need to navigate to it, and run the installer provided:

    cd shell
    make local-install


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