Problem with .desktop file from applications on desktop and under /home/xy/Sync/Links/Zorin OS

Hi I have checked the message here Problem with .desktop file on desktop but these Solution don't work for me.

I have tried to copy a *.desktop file from /usr/share/applications to my desktop and changed the issue "Allow the applikation to start up" to true and the permissions to "none", but no app want start after I click double onto it.

Here in this case is linux (Zorin OS) more then complicated as windoof for me.

Did you place the copied file in /.local/share/applications?
Did you assign in Permissions by Right click > Permissions?
If you copied a system .desktop file that is located in Root; it may need sudo permissions to execute launching of the application - which still has its program files in Root even if you moved its .desktop Identification File.

I don't know where i find these


. because a

cd /.local/share/applications

don't work in the terminal!

Bildschirmfoto vom 2025-01-06 08-07-34

My copied fDesktop file is on /home/ichbinich/Schreibtisch

How is the permissions order for my user? the order

chmod +x /home/ichbinich/Schreibtisch/ocrthypdf_ocrthypdf.desktop

change nothing.

When I make a right click onto


and the file


then it shows me the option open as application and a terminal open nad then the program starts.

But this should be go more smoothly or easier or not?

The dot infront means it's hidden. You can set Nautilus to see hidden files.

It's cd ~/.local/share/applications

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When I search in the software catalog Nautilus I find only Nautilus scripts manager and "Dateien" where in the terminal is called nautilus.


cd ~/.local/share/applications

I see only few appications but not the one I would like to open.

should I copy the desktop file that I wanna to open as user from

/usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications


In nautilus I may not open the direction


easy is what another for me

Nautilus is the Files Manager - simply calles ''Files'' (or in german ''Dateien'').

Yes, You can use this Terminal command for this, but You have to make it with sudo so it should be:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/ocrthypdf_ocrthypdf.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/