Problem with Firefox that makes Zorin mess up?

Yes, usually.

But I saw some bargain laptops sold in Wallmart with soldered eMMC and no other connectors. It was sold Windows pre-installed on 32GB eMMC and user could not even take the update due to the lack of space.

It is really lamentable.
People who bought such laptops are not in a good financial condition. But they needed laptop during the confinement for their job and for their kids schooling.

I stumble upon the Windows user forum people looking for the solution but there was none. I think those 32GB eMMC laptops should be banned.


Can OP still issue this command without going to the desktop?

So I am sure it is 2,5 inch HDD.

It's a Dell Inspirion something.

And i put in the command, and it said "sh: sudo: not found"

Is it not in warranty?

Oh. My bad.

Dell Inspiron 3580. Unless it's one of the longer numbers.

I don't think it is anymore.

It has a SSD, not a hard drive??

One reason i bought this laptop was because it has a terabyte of storage. So that means don't have the 256GB SSD, right?

Sounds like a variation of this model.
You do have a HDD.

1TB SSD is still a bit on the expensive side.

I bought it off of Dell's website. I think it listed specs and stuff, but because i don't know much about computers, it all sounded fine to me.

I don't know if i got an invoice or anything with the internals, but i think it's something that can be looked up pretty easily.

If that is the case, I think you are fully covered provided warranty period is more than one year. I'd contact Dell first before attempting any user repair. Warranty could be void if you open the back cover of the laptop.

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I don't think it's covered anymore. I couldn't afford an extended warranty or anything. But since it's still pretty new, and the problem first started a few months after getting the laptop, might i be able to get a replacement drive or something from them?

All I can say is to contact Dell.
It is them who decide what kind of after service they provide.
Since it is a warranty related issue, you'd better contact them as soon as possible.

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Okay. Thank you for the advice!

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I can change my IP with my ISP tho.

You can try changing your drive by yourself, it's not that hard actually. There should be a tutorial online. I opened many laptops to fix issues, hope you don't mess anything up. I wish you luck :four_leaf_clover:

OP's laptop could be still under the warranty.
In that case, open the back cover is a very bad idea since it will void the warranty for sure.


I really hope the Warranty is valid. Usually, they weasel out... A year? That's over the time much of the time.
It's not an old drive, really. It seems like if a drive is rated for five years of use, that is what the warranty should be. Not a fifth of that time.

That was what I was wondering but inquiring Dell would not hurt.

If Dell refuses the warranty coverage, the OP can open the back cover and see which brand of HDD in it.

I remember I took out a HDD from the external HDD enclosure (out of warranty) and still could RMA the HDD itself to the manufacturer of that HDD.

I suppose it all depends how Dell procure their parts.

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