Problem with vertical display screen after install of Zorin OS

I’m a newbie in the Linux world.

I have installed ZorinOS a long side of Windows 10.

I have a Thomson NEO 360 13” (switch automatically from desktop mode to tablet mode under Windows).

My problem is: my display is always vertical when I hold the PC has desktop, and when I hold the PC like a tablet it switch to desktop mode.

Even during the set up of Zorin OS I had that issue. I though the issue will be solved after the install is completed but it still remains.

Any clues or any solutions to solve this display issue?


From terminal, you can run:
To put in Desktop Mode

xrandr -o normal

To put in Tablet Mode

xrandr -o left

As far as a permanent fix, I am not sure. You might try Searching the web for "Ubuntu 18.04 screen rotation issue".

Thank you!
I did not try your solution because I found the following one before yours and it works for me How to fix screen rotation

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