Proton vpn install

You could try running as

sudo -H

instead. Or

sudo chown -R root /home/$USER/.cache/pip/

sudo chown -R root /home/$USER/.cache/pip/http/

I’m not sure if the “messages on top” are the problem.

Following your Link i have read this usage instruction

And there is an example for the terminal output under ubuntu 18.04.x that fits to the ZorinOS 15.3 because it’s based on ubuntu 18.04.

The upgrade command and the install command are both runing although the terminal presents this messages concerning ownership of the homedir.

I think the main problem is, that my system has saved any dark old configs ...

so i did

sudo protonvpn configure to delete old init configs (choose 7 delete profile)

then i uninstalled the pip client

sudo pip3 uninstall protonvpn-cli

then i followed the instruction of the install of the official ProtonVPN Linux App

Apt-get installed the version 3.3.1 (checked by synaptic)

but never the less my terminal says

If you are currently using ProtonVPN for Linux Version 2.0, we recommend that you upgrade to the new official client (there are a small number of user cases where this may not be desirable, which we detail below).

The developers recommend to switch from the 2.x clients (pip installed) to the 3.x client (apt-get / repository installed) version themself

any ideas how to find the installed files that are responsible for the output in the terminal? The version in terminal does not fit to the version that is mentioned by synaptic tool.

The repo is properly inserted to /etc/apt/sources.list

I wonder if it is an issue of using a different login - using OpenVPN credentials, as outlined here

The "old community Linux client" uses the OpenVPN Credentials for building the config by issuing protonvpn-cli init

The new official Linux App that has been created by the developers of ProtonVPN uses the Login Credentials of the Account itself

Please note that these are not the OpenVPN/IKEv2 login credentials used by the older community Linux client.

So if the client that has been installed by apt-get -> starting with

protonvpn-cli login ....

the Proton account credentials are used instead of the OpenVPN Client login credentials.

In my case i can't use any of both (username + password) because my protonvpn-cli has a wrong version. So the command --help don't offer the "login" option for me and that why i can't fill in the needed variables.

My problem is to get rid of the old version.

Would be nice if someone who has a working installed version could post his/her output of

protonvpn-cli --version

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I had followed the exact instructions in which you add the key, then add the repository for debian unstable.

You may be on to something thinking that leftover config files are haunting you with their ghosts. You might do ‘remove --purge’ on the pip3 files, then do a “locate” command in your / directory to find all leftovers (Or an elevated file manager Search).


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I have a suggestion that you should uninstall and clean the previous Protonvpn installation. and reinstall protonvpn.

One other problem is that the repo isn’t reachable

try to reach


In both cases i get an error 404 Not Found (nginx message)

So other repos known where to download the needed files?

I purged everything that has to do with the old community protonvpn-cli install

But after uninstallation of the pip files my command

sudo protonvpn-cli --version still reports the wrong version.

So i did more investigations because in this sophisticated case something is different than usual.

i made a comparison of two commands

root@client1:/home/user1# /usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli --version

ProtonVPN Command-Line Tool – v1.1.2
Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Proton Technologies A.G. (Switzerland)
Distributed under the MIT software license (see the accompanying file

root@client1:/home/user1# /usr/bin/protonvpn-cli --version

ProtonVPN CLI v3.3.1 (protonvpn-nm-lib v0.4.2; proton-client v0.3.0)

et voila → i still have a protonvpn-cli that resists in the environment variables after uninstallation of the pip files.

Checking another command gives the confirmation

root@client1:/home/user1# /usr/bin/protonvpn-cli --help

ProtonVPN CLI v3.3.1

For bugs and errors, please use the form
or send a report to

usage:  protonvpn-cli [--version | --help] <command>

    login               Login with ProtonVPN credentials.
    logout              Disconnect, remove ProtonVPN connection and logout.
    c, connect          Connect to ProtonVPN.
    d, disconnect       Disconnect from ProtonVPN.
    s, status           Show connection status.
    r, reconnect        Reconnect to previously connected server.
    config              Configure user settings.
    ks, killswitch      Configure Kill Switch settings.
    ns, netshield       Configure NetShield settings.

optional arguments:
    -h, --help          Display help message.
    -v, --version       Display versions.

    protonvpn-cli login
    protonvpn-cli login --help
    protonvpn-cli logout
    protonvpn-cli (c | connect)
    protonvpn-cli (c | connect) --help
    protonvpn-cli (d | disconnect)
    protonvpn-cli (s | status)
    protonvpn-cli (r | reconnect)
    protonvpn-cli config
    protonvpn-cli config --help
    protonvpn-cli (-h | --help)
    protonvpn-cli (-v | --version)

So the pip uninstall command is on one hand not properly working → on the other hand the systemwide environment variables aren’t modified by the installation of the apt files.

So the following two steps worked

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/protonvpn-cli /usr/local/bin/protonvpn-cli

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I though you typed:

protonvpn-cli config

To configure the client and enter your connection details etc.?

I used the protonvpn-cli as described here

  1. protonvpn-cli login PROTON-USERNAME
  3. logged in successful
  4. protonvpn-cli c
  5. take your choice of connection server
  6. take your choice of proto (tcp/udp) → advice = UDP
  7. wait until connection is established
  8. check your IP and DNS leak status

i don’t use the config command.

On Zorin Os 16, ProtonVPN is easier to use.

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What are the steps/commands to uninstall protonvpn?

I used your steps to install it, and I did it successfully!...

But now I need to uninstall it, and I don't know how to do it... :sweat_smile:

Please!!... Can you tell me the steps?

sudo apt remove --purge protonvpn

sudo add-apt-repository --remove 'deb unstable main'

The latest way to install ProtonVPN on ZorinOS:

1. Get the DEB setup package for the ProtonVPN repository

2. Install the ProtonVPN repo

Double-click downloaded DEB package to install the repo using your default package manager. OR

sudo apt-get install {/path/to/}protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.1-1_all.deb

3. Update the apt-get package list

Open Terminal and enter the command:

sudo apt-get update

4. Install the ProtonVPN Linux app

Last step! Enter:

sudo apt-get install protonvpn

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Linux system tray icon

Our Linux app can show a system tray icon that stays active when you close the main Proton VPN window and allows you to easily Quick Connect or Disconnect.

To install the system tray icon, open Terminal and enter:

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1

Uninstall the Proton VPN app

Use the following commands to uninstall our official app for Linux:

sudo apt-get autoremove protonvpn

Remove any leftover files:

rm -rf ~/.cache/protonvpn


rm -rf ~/.config/protonvpn

How to disable the kill switch if you have uninstalled the app

a) Identify the Proton VPN connection name with the command:

nmcli connection show --active

This will show a list of your system’s active connections.

b) Look for any connections that begin with prefix pvpn- This usually includes pvpn-killswitch and pvpn-ipv6leak-protection, and may include pvpn-routed-killswitch. Delete all these connections using the following command:

nmcli connection delete [connection name]

For example:

nmcli connection delete pvpn-killswitch

c) Re-run the following command to check that all Proton VPN connections have been removed:

nmcli connection show --active

If you see any Proton VPN connections left, delete them as described above.

setup package for the Proton VPN repo sitory