Realtek rts5229 not detected

Got it to work. This time i did something else, i did use the repo but i blacklisted the files somewhere else as where the repo suggested.

  1. gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  2. Add these 2 lines

blacklist rtsx_pci
install rtsx_pci /bin/false

  1. git clone
  2. sudo mkdir /usr/src/rts5229-1.07
  3. sudo cp Realtek-rts5229-linux-driver/* /usr/src/rts5229-1.07
  4. cd /usr/src/rts5229-1.07
  5. sudo -i
  6. dkms install -m rts5229 -v 1.07
  7. sudo update-initramfs -u
  8. sudo dkms autoinstall
  9. reboot

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