Basically, I "bricked" a USB flash-drive while I was trying to flash Zorin_OS iso onto it. I've found a tutorial but I'm stuck - I don't know the "name" of the device to continue repairing it using the Terminal. I'm stuck at Step 4 (see below). Here is a screenshot for clarity:
These are the commands I'm trying to follow:
So here is the process
step 1: Open terminal
step 2: sudo -i
step 3: fdisk -l
step 4: umount sd...... (note your storage device )
step 4: mkdosfs -F 32 -I /dev/sd
The name on the stick itself is PLATINUM, which is not a lot of help. I'd just like to reformat it, if that's possible. Thanks for any advice.
Ok, I've fixed it using Rufus on Windows 10. I really need to learn how to do this kind of thing in Linux, if I'm ever truly going to make the switch permanently.
You could try the Fedora Media Writer for creating a bootable Stick. The good thing is: when You want set the USB Stick back, You can make that with the Fedora Media Writer because it has an built-in Functions for that.
Or You could use Ventoy. There You simply put the ISO's on the Stick or delete them from it if you not need them anymore.
I'll try looking onto the Fedora MW, thank you.
I've used Ventoy and had a problem with it - I thin it could be that I need to buy some new USB flash drives. Mine are all old, USB2 ones.
Not that you need to do this over the terminal, but if you are interested this is an excellent playlist on the subject of the command line. Videos 80 to 88 cover all the basics you need to know to work around the issue on this thread: