Screen goes blank after resuming from suspend

Hello everyone,

I have found a lot of information about this subject but the remedies have not helped me.

I have a Dell Inspiron 5577 laptop. Which has a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 graphics card.

The graphics card is using the driver selected by the system - Nvidia driver metapackage from Nvidia-driver-545 (proprietary).

I have no other issues with the system apart from this.

If I close my laptop lid, Zorin has been set up to suspend the system. When I open the lid I am presented with the log in screen, I input my password and am presented with my desktop.

All is well until this point, after a few seconds the screen goes blank which is rectified by touching the mouse. Ultimately I have to shutdown and restart to avoid having to do this periodically.

I am certain the power profile is not the cause of the screen going blank. The setting have been adjusted to avoid the system either dimming the screen.

Can anyone help?

I hope I have provided enough information to make a start in rectifying this annoyance.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately it doesn't appear to make any difference.
