Secure Boot Stays Active

Hi All,

I'm new to Zorin, and Linux as a whole, so this may be some simple thing I'm missing.

In order to install certain things, I need to have secure boot disabled. However whenever I run sudo mokutil --disable-validation and go through the steps listed here:

and getting to the screen that says disable secure boot, hitting yes. The terminal still says I'm in secure boot, not letting me download.

After running sudo mokutil --sb-state it still outputs

SecureBoot enabled
SecureBoot validation is disabled in shim

And I've looked around what I think is my BIOS to no avail. If anyone has any ideas, it would help alot.

What model motherboard do you have? A full model number may help, we may be able to find the setting for you. Sometimes they really like to hide the location of the Secure Boot options pretty well, in some obtuse locations sometimes.

Hi, I ran sudo dmidecode -t 2 and it returned this board, hope it's right :slight_smile:

Base Board Information
	Manufacturer: GIGABYTE
	Product Name: AORUS 17 XE4
	Version: WIN11
	Serial Number: Default string
	Asset Tag: 0x80001500
		Board is a hosting board
		Board is replaceable
	Location In Chassis: Default string
	Chassis Handle: 0x0003
	Type: Motherboard
	Contained Object Handles: 0

Every time I boot it says "booting in insecure mode" but alas it's still in secure boot. Hope this helps

Edit: Just saw the serial number not being listed. I have no idea why they make this so difficult. If any further information is needed, I am willing to try

For this board, it should be in the BIOS settings under the Security tab. It is labeled as Secure Boot with a drop down arrow next to that.

If you are not seeing it, taking a picture with your phone and uploading it may help us to see why you cannot find it.

On my board, I believe to enter the BIOS I need to hit F2. Whenever I do I'm brought to this menu, and can scroll to this Security Tab.

The highlighted option, and the "Delete all Secure Boot variables" option are the only I can hit. Is the second one the answer?

Edit: I don't see the drop down arrow, which makes me think I'm doing something wrong. However I just don't really know how to get into my BIOS if this isn't it. The videos I've seen have said spamming del or F2 work on this board. However del does nothing, and F2 opens this menu.

The option to delete all variables may mean that Secure Boot is not configured.

I would go ahead and delete all Secure Boot Variables - then cycle a full reboot and enter BIOS to see if that allows the Enable/Disable option.

Aside: I know that CSM being enabled can hide Secure Boot options... Do you have CSM enabled?

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Hi. Thank you! I think that may have done it. Whenever inputting sudo mokutil --sb-state it returns:

SecureBoot disabled
Platform is in Setup Mode

I will mark this as solved!

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