Aye. I took a dozen attempts to get it decent - it can't get better with the AI engine/site I uses.
While I am being critical, I notice the hieroglyphics on the wall look like they were painted by H.R.Geiger as well.
Though... I kinda like it.
Yes, the AI can't figure out making Hieroglyphs as well
Simple! A solid color, any color you want, background created in GIMP.
Simple? The same background but with an added image that was drawn using HTML Canvas.
I prefer KDE over cinnamon OOTB... but when it comes to being easy to customize, I like cinnamon way more than KDE. So I ended up switching from Kubuntu back to Mint.
The Fox with the Fire looks a bit like a Hint to Firefox, hahaha!
Is this the default theme or have you tweaked it?
I tweaked it
You offer these Icons for download, aren't You:
How'd you get that floating taskbar?
If it is the Zorin Taskbar, You can simplay activate it. Go in the Taskbar Settings, there to Style and activate the first Option:
Then click on the Gear Icon and in the upcoming opening Window activate the first Option:
Hello, my desktop is very basic but all I need
And this is a very short system summary from neofetch, I have been using Zorin for a couple of years without being present on the forum. So I thought I'd stop by and say how much of a joy it is to use something so simple and intuitive that just gets on with stuff unobtrusively in the background and lets me concentrate on what is important to me.
I like this one