Sith empire - theme Suite --> RELEASED <--

Well that's a start but I meant a real one .... :innocent: .... thought you might have a few just laying around .... :roll_eyes:

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Part of your training should include learning to and building your own light saber. It should be tuned to you.
Please review your "Paduan Welcome" pamphlet for more details.

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Now where did I see "Lightsaber for Dummies" :thinking:


v1.1a icons now released on Pling!
v1.1 GTK now releaed on Pling!

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Rebooting this theme. 100's of new icons will be released for this theme in a couple of weeks.


Now is a good time to wishlist for icons for your favorite applications, so I can implement without delay.


Red color is done. Now for the green color.