Software Update Today 2022/12/9

I just received some new updates and the majority of them are for Heimdal Kerberos or something like that .... I checked the Tech Description but it didn't make any sense to me .... so what is it ....

Well after fumbling through a bunch of descriptions on the web I've come to the conclusion that subject of Heimdal Kerberos is way above my pay grade and so just shut up and except those 9 updates ..... :thinking:

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You know, I didn't even searched about these same updates but I still haven't installed them, too. I won't install them if they are useless for me (for example the old fprint update for fingerprint readers or LibreOffice general updates, or even new functions, complex or not, that I won't ever use) or make texts in Swedish where the updates will be applied, I already have English texts somewhere randomly all around the system (to not mention Help that's almost entirely in English while I set Italian :neutral_face:), if I'll also see Swedish on my laptop...
Shocked Bomb GIF by Zhot Shotz

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But don't they just keep showing up in update downloads ..... I've tried that before just ignoring them but like a bad penny they always return ...... or a fat boy at a free barbecue ....... now that one I can relate to ..... :+1: :grinning:

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I'll wait for someone telling if these updates will add Swedish where they are applied so I know if installing them or not. But probably they won't otherwise someone would have a bad day full of complaints about Swedish everywhere/somewhere on his PC.

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Unless specifically holding back a non-critical package, the general rule of thumb is to Update.
Not running updates can eventually cause software issues that are tricky to troubleshoot, as desktop and other packages find dependencies have changed on some things, but not others.
That being said:

You want to update this. It is something you use and relates to your X-Window system and Secutiry implementation of PAM, certificates, etc.

Heimdal is the open source version of kerberos. Due to legalese and bureaucratic red tape, Kerberos is difficult to deploy outside of the United States. It is not in Swedish, nor specific to Swedish applications.

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Mods please remove my OP .... I already removed the part about being written in Swedish so as not to mislead anyone but I can't delete the whole post ....

I will not in the future discuss any issue's dealing with Zorin updates but just except them as they are sent ....

I apologize to Luca_Pavan and anyone else who has read my OP for any harm it may have caused and I will definitely be more careful what I post in the future ....

Thank you

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Don't worry, it's not a problem :slightly_smiling_face::+1:, I did the same as you, but for something that many would say unnecessary or ignorable, literally just for a letter.

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